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~launch Page (UI Services)Locate this document in the navigation structure


You can start the ~launch page with transaction NWBC. The availability of the ~launch page is controlled with ICF node nwbc_launch. If this node is disabled in the ICF service tree, transaction /UI2/NWBC directly starts NWBC for HTML.

The ~launch page shows all available cockpits and all roles that the user has assigned for this cockpit. Therefore, this ~launch page gives a user an overview of the available cockpits (that are active in ICF) with the specific roles that can be reached through each cockpit.

Note All roles assigned to a user are displayed next to the /nwbc node.

The ~launch page also offers the option to start either NWBC for Desktop or NWBC for HTML. The first icon starts NWBC for HTML, second icon starts NWBC for Desktop. This concept is illustrated by the following figure:

~launch Page


If you use role names that contain special characters, for example “/”, “?”, and “=”, you cannot start NWBC from the ~launch page. For more information, see 1826609 Information published on SAP site.


By clicking the link under Other, you can start a role that is not assigned to your user. You can use this link to test the role. However, only the navigation tree is shown in NWBC, no authority objects from the role are assigned to the user. Enter the role name into the field and click one of the icons.

~launch Page Other node