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Configuring Target MappingsLocate this document in the navigation structure

In the target mapping configuration, you map a navigation target to the combination of a semantic object and an action, also known as an intent.


To create a target mapping, you define the intent, the navigation target, the device types suppported by the target, and additional parameters.


  1. To create a new target mapping, choose Create Target Mapping.
    The target mapping configuration page is displayed.
  2. Create the Intent to be mapped to a target. For more information about intent-based navigation and what an intent is, see Configuring Navigation.
    Parameter Description
    Semantic Object Semantic object as defined in an app launcher tile.
    Action Action as defined in an app launcher tile. For the action name, choose a verb or a short phrase starting with lower case and without blanks. Examples are display, create, or release.
    Restriction The length of the semantic object and action is limited to 50 characters.
  3. Specify the Target of the target mapping by selecting the Source of Navigation Target either SAPUI5 Fiori Application or Other SAP Fiori Application (ABAP Report Launchpad).
    • On selecting the SAPUI5 radio button, enter the following details:

    You can only use this function for SAP Fiori apps. Do not use this function for other SAPUI5 applications.

    Parameter Description
    Title Title of the SAPUI5 application.

    Base URL of SAPUI5 application.

    Note The URL is server-relative. It must point to a SAP Fiori app.

    SAPUI5 component name without SAPUI5.COMPONENT=


    • We recommend to follow this procedure to define navigation targets for SAP Fiori apps.

      Defining navigation targets for SAP Fiori apps in the target mapping of the SAP Fiori launchpad designer is an alternative, efficient way to using transaction LPD_CUST.

    • Make sure that you provide the complete data requested for the title, component, and URL.

    • On selecting the LPD_CUST radio button, enter the following details:
    Parameter Description
    Launchpad Role Key of a launchpad role as defined in transaction LPD_CUST.
    Launchpad Instance Key of a launchpad instance as defined in transaction LPD_CUST.
    Application Alias or Application ID Specify a value for only one of these properties:
    • Application alias as defined in transaction LPD_CUST.
    • Application ID as defined in transaction LPD_CUST.
  4. You can specify the device types and business parameters supported by the target.
    Parameter Description
    Information Important or helpful comments and dependencies.
    Device Types The device types that are suitable for running the target application: Desktop, Tablet, Phone.

    The selected device types determine the devices on which to display the tiles using this target mapping. By default, all types are selected. If you deselect a type, the tiles using this target mapping is not displayed on that device.

    Parameters Define mandatory and optional parameters for the target mapping. The parameters are validated during the resolving of the navigation target, to prevent opening a target without providing the necessary mandatory parameters.
    When defining a parameter, the following rules apply:
    • Parameter names must be unique.
    • For a mandatory parameter, you can enter a string value or select the checkbox in the Is Regular Expression column to indicate that the value is a regular expression.
    • For an optional parameter, you can define a default value.

    Select the Allow additional parameters checkbox to allow passing additional parameters that are not defined in the table to the target.

  5. Choose Add.