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Recommendations for Modeling Local and Ad Hoc CompositeProvidersLocate this document in the navigation structure

Inner Join versus Left Outer Join

An inner join is always faster. However, this join can only be used if the referential integrity is specified and all required master data is available on your system.

CompositeProvider versus MultiProvider

If your data model only contain unions, you should create a MultiProvider. The Analytic Manager on the BW system automatically guarantees the fastest calculation.

CompositeProviders versus InfoSets:

InfoSets are not optimized for use with an SAP HANA database. The join logic is executed in exactly the same way as in a traditional relational database. If an InfoSet contains operations that can also be defined with a CompositeProvider, then you should use a CompositeProvider instead. With a CompositeProvider, the join is executed on the SAP HANA database and is therefore suitable for mass data.