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Calculate Results AsLocate this document in the navigation structure

Calculate Result As allows you to select which rule to use to locally recalculate the results of a report.

Note that the functions listed below are not fully supported by all clients.

You can choose from the following settings:

Settings Description

(Not defined)

This setting displays the results provided by the analytic manager. No local calculation takes place.


The average (total divided by total number of values) of all values for the corresponding area is displayed as the result.

Average of Detailed Values That are Not Zero, Null or Error

The average (total divided by number) of all values for the corresponding area is displayed as the result, with the exception of zeroes, meaning that values equal to zero are not counted.

Counter of All Detailed Values

The number of values for the corresponding area is displayed as the result.

Counter of All Detailed Values That are Not Zero, Null or Error

The number of values for the corresponding area, excluding zeroes, is displayed as the result; values equal to zero are not included.

First Value

The highest value or the value furthest to the left of the corresponding area is displayed as the result.


The result is not displayed.

Last Value

The lowest value or the value furthest to the right of the corresponding area is displayed as the result.


The largest value for the corresponding area is displayed as the result.


The smallest value for the corresponding area is displayed as the result.

Standard Deviation

Statistical deviation is a measure of the distribution of the values with respect to the mean value (average). Statistical deviation = root from the variance: SQRT (variance).


The sum total of the values for the corresponding area is displayed as the result.

Summation of Rounded Values

If you have set a scaling factor, it is useful to calculate the total sum of rounded values locally since the total sums can differ considerably (in particular with high scaling factors).


If the result is a totals row, the area calculated is the corresponding column.

If the result is a totals column, the area calculated is the corresponding row.

With higher totals, multiple drilldowns (with results and an overall result) that is, all single values affected are taken into account (without results).


The following formula is used to calculate the statistical variance:

(å x² - (å x)² / N) / (N-1) for N > 1 and notexist for N=1