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The messages design item displays messages associated with your workbook, such as messages generated by BEx Analyzer as well as messages generated from the system to which you are currently connected.


Use the messages design item to reproduce messages in your worksheet. You configure which type of messages (warning, success, information, or any or all of these) you want to see. BEx Analyzer messages, including the latest messages generated from the system to which you are logged on, display in your worksheet. Unlike other design items, messages are not associated with one particular data provider.

In analysis mode, the messages display in a list, each next to an icon representing its type. If there has been no message since you last refreshed your query results, nothing displays.


Configure properties for the messages on two different tabs of the Message Properties dialog box (seeInserting Design Items to learn about how to insert the message design item and access its properties):

  • General - lets you configure cell range, which kinds of messages you'd like to see, and AutoFit options
  • Clipping - lets you configure whether to clip or scroll the message display

Messages Properties

Property Description

Message Name

Displays the name of the message item, which is generated automatically and is unique. This name is used on the BEx Analyzer  → Design Toolbar menu to refer to a particular instance of the message item.


Manipulate coordinates for a cell or cells in this field to move or resize the message item.

SeeMoving and Resizing Design Items

Display Warnings

Select this checkbox to display warning messages, for example: The value for the variable 'def' is incorrect; Access to Visual Basic project failed

Display Success Messages

Select this checkbox to display success messages, for example: The query 'abc' was successfully saved

Display Information

Select this checkbox to display informational messages, for example: The system will close down at 6pmtoday


When selected, the width of the cells in the message item expands as needed to accommodate the contents of the message.

Use the clipping options to specifically define the vertical size of the message item using clipping or scroll bars. Clipping settings work together with cell coordinate settings in the Range field. Configure vertical clipping using the following options:


  • Clip - the message item can only extend as far down as the lower-most row defined in the Range field. The vertical display beyond that is clipped, or not displayed.
  • Full Size - the message item begins display from the top-most row defined in the Range field, but expands down as many rows as the results dictate.
  • Scroll - the message item displays within the upper and lower coordinates configured in the Range field, and a scroll bar allows you to scroll up or down within the results. You can scroll using the following icons in the scroll bar:
    • Scroll to Bottom
    • Scroll Down
    • Scroll Up
    • Scroll to Top

See alsoMoving and Resizing Design Items

See also: