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Selecting Files As DestinationsLocate this document in the navigation structure

You can write data from the BW system to a file via the open hub destination.


  1. Choose File as the type of destination. The file formats CSV, ASCII, and XML are supported during extraction to files. A control file with information about the metadata is also generated.
  2. You can save the file either on the application server or in a local directory. For technical reasons, you can only select file format XML for files on the application server. If the file is located on the application server, you can schedule extraction in the background.

    If you save the file locally, the file size must not exceed half a gigabyte. When transferring mass data, you should save the file on the application server.

    The User Account Control (UAC) in Windows 7 and Windows Vista can create the impression that data is written to a local directory, but no files are actually created. Do not use a directory with restricted authorization.

  3. If you want to write the data to an application server from the BW system, you have two options for the file name:
    • File name: The file name is made up of the technical name of the open hub destination and the extension .CSV, .TXT or .XML. You cannot change this name.
    • Logical file name: You can use input help to select a logical file name that you have already defined in Customizing. To do this, you create a logical path and assign a logical file name to it. More information: Defining the Logical Path Name and File Name

      A logical file name can be made up of fixed path information and variables - such as calendar day and time. Logical file names can be transported.

  4. If you save the file in a local directory, you cannot change the name of the file. It is made up of the technical name of the open hub destination and the extension .CSV, .TXT or .XML. The associated control file also has the prefix S_.
  5. If you select data format XML, you can choose the following formats:
  6. You can select Default Setting or Direct Entry as the string setting. If you select Default Setting, the system code page is used. If you select Direct Entry, you can specify your own code page.