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Drill Across WorksheetsLocate this document in the navigation structure


This function enables you to create a separate worksheet in your workbook for each instance of the selected characteristic. A copy of the current worksheet is created for each member of the characteristic. The worksheets are fully independent from one another with respect to navigation.


Each design item used in the current worksheet is copied to the new worksheet created. Each data provider used is also copied and the relevant copied data provider is assigned to each copied design item. In the formulas for the current worksheet, the names of the data providers in the copied worksheet are replaced with the names of the copied data providers.


Note that this function is only available in the context menu of a characteristic in the navigation pane if:

  • The selected characteristic is free, that is, is not in the drilldown.
  • The selected characteristic is filtered on no more than one list of single values.
  • No display hierarchies can be active.

    Note: When the system gets members, if the dynamic filter contains single values only, only these members are used; otherwise the first 200 members after sorting are used. The former of these two options is recommended when using this function.


You call the function in the context menu as follows:

  1. You call this function in analysis mode by using the context menu for the selected characteristic in the navigation pane.
    • Select the cell using the secondary mouse button.
    • Or in the menu, choose BEx Analyzer → Context Menu for Selected Cell.

      The context menu that provides access to navigational functions for the selected cell appears, if available.

  2. You choose Drill Across Worksheets in the context menu.

You want to display the net sales for each quarter. Using this function, you generate a view of the data for the query; in this view, the net sales for each quarter are displayed on separate worksheets.

  1. In the navigation pane, choose the Quarter characteristic using the right mouse button.
  2. In the context menu for the selected cell, choose Drill Quarter Across Worksheets.
  3. For each member of the selected characteristic Quarter, the system generates a current worksheet with the net sales for each quarter.