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Selecting Characteristic ValuesLocate this document in the navigation structure


You can use the input help dialog to select characteristic values.

In the BEx Analyzer, you select filter values for characteristics in order to filter data. This displays the data for the characteristic values in which you are interested.

In the BEx Report Designer, you then select a characteristic value to apply formatting rules depending on the selected characteristic values. This allows you to specify that the data for each characteristic value is to be displayed with a different design.


Calling Input Help

You have the following options:

  • In the context menu in the BEx Analyzer, choose SelectFilterValues.
  • In the BEx Report Designer, open a report and select a cell in the report. The cell belongs to a group level to which an InfoObject is assigned. In the input help dialog box, you can select one of the characteristic values of the InfoObject in order to define the design for this characteristic value in this group level. You can call the input help dialog box with the following paths:
    • In the Report Structure window, select the group header or group footer of the group level and select Conditional Formattingin the context menu.
    • In the menu, chooseFormat → Conditional Formatting.

Selecting Single Values

  1. Choose Show → Single Values. The system displays the available values.

    Only those values for which there are data records in the InfoProvider and which you are authorized to use are displayed as available values.

    If there are less than 1000 values for this characteristic, the values are displayed in a list. If there are more than 1000 values for this characteristic, the input help dialog shows the input template for the search. For more information, seeSearching for Values.

    If the characteristic has an active display hierarchy, the individual values are displayed hierarchically.

  2. Select the required single value and choose OK. You can also select the required single value by double-clicking it.

    You can also select multiple single values. Select the required single values by pressing and holding the SHIFT key.


    Multiple selection and single selection depend on the context. For example, multiple selection is not allowed in the BEx Report Designer.

Selecting Value Ranges


This function is only available if the characteristic does not have an active display hierarchy. This function is not available in the BEx Report Designer.


You can set the time interval for specific time characteristics in the SAP Reference IMG. The input help only offers those values that lie within this time interval. Choose SAP Reference IMG → Customizing Implementation Guide → SAP NetWeaverSAP Business Warehouse → Settings for Reporting and Analysis → General Settings for Reporting and Analysis → Set F4 Help and Hierarchies for Time Characteristics/OLAP Settings. On the General Settingstab page, you can set the required time interval under TimeInterval.

  1. Choose Show → Value Ranges.
  2. Select your required operator from the dropdown box. You can choose from the following operators:
    • Between
    • Equal to
    • Less Than or Equal To
    • Greater Than or Equal To
    • Less Than
    • Greater Than
  3. Choose the required value or values for the value range:

    You can also select the values from your history in the dropdown box. If you want to select another value, choose . The input help appears in a new dialog box and offers the associated single values under Show →SingleValues or History for selection.


    For the Betweenoperator, two single values are required for the interval limits. The system automatically displays two dropdown boxes.

  4. After you have set the value range, choose OK.

    Intervals are formed using the key and not according to the displayed texts. For example, [] January - November also includes August.

Displaying Value Keys

You can also display characteristic values as value keys. By choosing the Display Key/Text icon, you can switch between displaying values as keys or as text. By choosing the small arrow next to the key/text icon, the following menu is displayed:

  • (Standard)
  • Text
  • [Key]
  • Text [Key]
  • [Key] Text

Select the display type you want.

Values Available in History

The selected values are automatically saved for the user and the characteristic in a history. You can access the most recently selected values simply and quickly by choosing Show → History.

Saving Values to Favorites

You can create and manage personal value lists as favorites.

Once you have selected values, choose Selection Save Selection from the right window. The values are now displayed under Show → Favorites.


If the system does not automatically display the right window, Selection, you can display this window by choosing More>>.

Deleting Values from the Selection Window

If you want to remove the selected values, select these values in the right window, Selection, and choose the arrow pointing to the left.

Uploading Data for Characteristic Values

This function is only valid for the BEx Analyzer:

You can optionally upload data for the selected characteristic value (such as variables or filter values) to use it in the executed query. This can be useful, for example, if you want to include identical data that is not yet updated in the BW system in the analysis of the query results in your workbooks. By uploading this data for a characteristic value, you save time and reduce the likelihood of errors that can occur if you enter the data manually.

You can also upload a file for multiple variables simultaneously. You can also download data that you previously uploaded for variables and save it locally.

Add Values to the Selection from the Buffer

This function is only valid for the BEx Analyzer:

You can add values, such as values from another worksheet, to the right selection window from the buffer. You can use the following functions from the context menu for the right selection window for this: Insert, Cut, Copy and Select All. Alternatively, you can use the corresponding key combinations (for example CTRL + C to copy, CTRL + V to insert).


Adhere to the valid syntax. For example, multiple values must be entered separately divided by semicolons.

For more information, seeSyntax for Directly Entering Values


You have selected the required characteristic value(s).

If you call the input help dialog again, the appearance of the dialog box changes. An area also appears on the right showing the values of the most recent selection. By choosing More>> or <<Less, you can display the input help dialog with or without the extra area that shows the most recently selected values. The right-hand area is especially useful for obtaining a better overview if you have selected values from different views, such as single values and value ranges.