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A Web item that displays all the available conditions including their corresponding statuses (active/not active/not applicable/not used)  for a data provider of type query view, in the Web application.


The List of Conditions Web item displays the status of conditions of a data provider of type query view in the form of a table in the Web application. All of the conditions that can be applied to the current navigational state for the query view are listed.

  • The status of the condition is displayed for every condition (active/not active/not applicable/not used). You can activate or deactivate the conditions using the Toggle State button.
  • You change a condition by clicking on the description of the condition and choosing Details. See Defining and Changing Conditions .
  • You can create a new condition by choosing Insert. The conditions wizard appears and helps you to define the condition with step-by-step instructions. See Defining and Changing Conditions .


See also:



Using Conditions