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Calculate Single Values AsLocate this document in the navigation structure

Calculate Result As allows you to select which rule to use to locally recalculate individual values of a report.

Note that the functions listed below are not fully supported by all clients.

You can choose from the following settings:

Settings Description

(Not defined)

This setting displays the data provided by the analytic manager. No local calculation of single values takes place.


The system only displays the results; the single values are suppressed.


The system displays the maximum key figure value for a characteristic.


The system displays the minimum key figure value for a characteristic.

Moving Average

The system calculates the average of all values.

Moving Average that is Not Zero, Null or Error

The system calculates the average of all values, but ignores any zero values.

Normalize According to Next Group Level Result

The data is displayed as a percentage of the result of the next group level. The values of the results row and the overall results row are not displayed as percentages but as absolute values.

If there is only one characteristic in the drilldown, the result of a group level is the same as the overall result.

Normalize According to Overall Result

The data is displayed as a percentage of the overall result. The values of the results row and the overall results row are not displayed as percentages but as absolute values.

If there are multiple characteristics in the drilldown, there are different results, which are combined to form an overall result.

Normalize According to Unrestricted Overall Result

The data is displayed as a percentage of the unrestricted result (query result). The values of the results row and the overall results row are not displayed as percentages but as absolute values.

Each key figure for a query has a query result. This is the result of the key figure that results from the aggregation of all characteristics for the query. The overall result and the query result are identical to one another, provided that none of the characteristics are filtered at runtime.

Olympic Rank Number

The Olympic ranked list differs from the basic ranked list as follows: In the Olympic ranked list, when a value occurs more than once, the next smallest value is not assigned the rank incremented by one, but the rank that corresponds to the number of previous characteristic values (including the current value).


There are three products with a higher rank than product D, therefore D has rank 4 and rank 3 is not assigned since B and C have the same rank (2).

A 100 = Rank 1

B 50 = Rank 2

C 50 = Rank 2

D 20 = Rank 4

Rank Number

The characteristic values are sorted according to the selected structure element and are given a ranking. The order of the ranked list is based on the size of the value for the structure element, where the largest value has rank 1 and the smallest value has the last rank.

If a value occurs more than once, the corresponding characteristic values are assigned the same rank. In a basic ranked list, the next smallest value is assigned this rank incremented by one.


You can create a ranked list of products according to sales.

A 100 = Rank 1

B 50 = Rank 2

C 50 = Rank 2

D 20 = Rank 3