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Background documentationExtending an OData Service Using Service Builder Locate this document in the navigation structure


You can extend OData services by customizing the generated source code to suit your needs and purposes.

Using the redefine technique in Service Builder, you can extend a model by creating a new target project, and then define it as a redefine of the service you want to extend.

The redefine technique is executed in the Service Builder.

Provider Classes

When you redefine a service, you obtain a new OData service that includes a new Model Provider Class (MPC), and a new Data Provider Class (DPC).

The MPC includes the MPC of the source service, and the DPC inherits from the DPC of the source service.

This graphic is explained in the accompanying text.

Illustration of Generated Provider Classes

In the illustration above, two sets of classes (MPC A, and DPC A) are generated for the source service A, and another set of classes (MPC B, and DPC B) are generated for the target service B.

While the MPC for the target service is included in the MPC of the source service (MPC B is included in MPC_EXT A), the DPC generated for the target service is inherited from the DPC of the source service, (DPC_EXT B inherits from DPC B, which also inherits from DPC_EXT A).

Use Cases for Redefining Services

Below, you will find explanation for the extensibility functionality based on specific use cases and an example.

The following are the use cases:

  • Use case 1: Adding a new property to an existing entity

  • Use case 2: Adding a new entity

  • Use case 3: Adding a new Function import

  • Use case 4: Adding an association and a navigation property

In the description of the use cases, we refer to the following example service, zSales_Order_Example, which contains two entity sets:

  • SalesOrderSet: Data of sales orders (header)

  • SalesOrderItemSet: Data of items ordered

For our example, you will extend the source service by creating a new project, ZEXTEND_SALES_ORDER_EXAMPLE, which is referred to as the target service.

Use Case 1: Adding a New Property to an Existing Entity

The required process for adding a new property to your target service, ZEXTEND_SALES_ORDER_EXAMPLE, depends on how the service is implemented.

In the sections that follow, you will find explanations for the following:

  • DDIC binding that matches the data source attributes

  • The entity in the data model is connected to a DDIC structure

  • The entity in the data model is not connected to a data dictionary (DDIC) structure

Data Dictionary Structure Binding that Matches the Data Source Attributes

The following is the process for extending an entity in a model that is connected to a Data Dictionary (DDIC) structure.

When the connected DDIC structure matches the data source structure (or its attributes by name), and the service has been implemented using the MOVE command, (either single MOVE, or MOVE-CORRESPONDING) to assign a value to ER_ENTITY, it will be sufficient to extend the DDIC structure, and to extend the model as described in steps 1 to 3 of the section, “The Entity in the Data Model is Connected to a Data Dictionary Structure”, without changing the code.

Below is an example code for the entity set, SALES_ORDER_ITEM Get Entity, where the MOVE command is used,(MOVE ls_et_order_item TO er_entity, to fill the er_entity; once the structure is extended, it is automatically moved in the code.

Syntax Syntax

METHOD salesorderitemss_get_entity.


*Data declaration


DATA lv_sales_order_id TYPE zif_zsales_order_get=>char25.

DATA lv_sales_order_item TYPE zif_zsales_order_get=>char25.DATA et_order_item TYPE zif_zsales_order_get=>zsales_order_item_table.

DATA ls_et_order_item TYPE LINE OF zif_zsales_order_get=>zsales_order_item_table

DATA ls_converted_keys LIKE er_entity.

DATA lv_source_entity_set_name TYPE string.


*Map the runtime request to the RFC - Only mapped attributes


*Get all input information from the technical request context object



es_key_values = ls_converted_keys


*Maps key fields to function module parameters

lv_source_entity_set_name = io_tech_request_context->get_source_entity_set_name( ).

lv_sales_order_item = ls_converted_keys-salesorderitempos.

lv_sales_order_id = ls_converted_keys-salesorderid.


*Call RFC function module





iv_sales_order_item = iv_sales_order_item

iv_sales_order_id = iv_sales_order_id


et_order_item = et_order_item

EXCEPTIONS system_failure = 1000 message


OTHERS = 1002.


* - Post Backend Call -


* Map properties from the backend to the Gateway output response structure

* In GetEntity operation, we support only read for the first entry in the response table

READ TABLE et_order_item INTO ls_et_order_item INDEX 1.

MOVE ls_et_order_item TO er_entity.


End of the code.

Ensure that, the new property (ABAP field name) name is the same as the name of the data source attribute.

You can enable existing conversion exits for each new property that you add. See the section on Enabling DDIC Conversion Exits.

The Entity in the Data Model is Connected to a Data Dictionary Structure

You enhance the structure by adding a new attribute to the DDIC structure. For the new attribute, you must create a new property in the specific entity of the model.

Prerequisites: The DDIC can be enhanced.

The following is the process for extending an entity in a model that is connected to a DDIC structure:

  1. Add a new field to the DDIC structture

    1. Enter the transaction SE11, and choose Data Type, and then enter the name of the structure you want to enhance.

      This graphic is explained in the accompanying text.

      ABAP Dictionary screen

    2. Choose Display. In our example, the structure is, ZSALES_ORDER_ITEM .

    3. Click GoTo in the menu, and select Append Structure F5 to create the append structure with the additional fields.

      If you have already appended to the structure you can extend it. For example, we created an append structure called, ZCUST_FIELD, and added fields CUST1 and CUST2, to it.

      This graphic is explained in the accompanying text.

      Append structure

    4. When you add the fields to the structure, rename the fields using your own suffix or prefix to prevent naming conflicts.

  2. Add a new property for the new field to the entity of the model.

    This graphic is explained in the accompanying text.

    Newly defined properties

    In your target service, add the new property to entity of the model and save it.

    In our example, we added the fields, CUST1 and CUST2, to the entity type, SALESORDER.

  3. Save and generate the project for the target service. The new classes of the target service are generated.

  4. Update the code for the methods of the specific extended entity in the DPC (extension) class for the target service, ZEXTEND_SALES_ORDER_EXAMPLE.

    To update the methods, you can use one of the following options:

    • Redefine the class and the methods for the CRUDQ operations of the specific Entity Set.

      Copy the code from the original method and update it by providing the additional fields.

    • Call the super class and add the additional fields in your code.

    See the section, Update the code in the methods and provide the additional fields.

    If the service has been implemented using SAP tools, such as, Explicit Enhancement Point, or BADI, you can use it, instead of redefining the class method.

You can enable existing conversion exits for each new property that you add. See the section on Enabling DDIC Conversion Exits.

Enabling DDIC Conversion Exits

In our example, the entity type, ZSales_Order_Item, has a new property CUST_WUNIT, with data element that has a conversion exit.

This graphic is explained in the accompanying text.

Using existing conversion exit in a DDIC strucutre

To enable the new property to use existing conversion exits at runtime, do the following:

  1. Open the MPC extension class of the target service, ZCL_ZEXTEND_SALES_ORDE_MPC_EXT.

  2. Select the method, DEFINE, and choose the Redefine button.

    This graphic is explained in the accompanying text.

    Redefining a method

  3. Call the super class.

  4. For each entity (that has a new property) with conversion exits that you want to use, assign the DDIC structure.

For example:

Syntax Syntax

METHOD define.

DATA lo_property TYPE REF TO /iwbep/if_mgw_odata_property.

DATA lo_entity_type TYPE REF TO /iwbep/if_mgw_odata_entity_typ.

super->define( ).

* Bind data structure 'zsales_order_items' to entity type 'SalesOrderItems'( Activate the new fields conversion exit )



(iv_bind_conversions = abap_true iv_structure_name = 'zsales_order_items').


End of the code.

In the example above, the conversion exits assigned to data element, S_WEIUNIT, will now be available at runtime.

The Entity in the Data Model is not Connected to a Data Dictionary Structure

The following is the process for extending an entity in a model that is not connected to a DDIC structure:

  1. Add a new property to the entity type and generate the service, ZEXTEND_SALES_ORDER_EXAMPLE. In our example, we added a new property, Supplier, to the entity type, SALESORDER.

    This graphic is explained in the accompanying text.

    New property entry

  2. Redefine the dispatching methods (methods that route to the type CRUDQ methods) of the operations.

    This graphic is explained in the accompanying text.

    Typed methods for operations

    Open the DPC extension class of the target service, ZEXTEND_SALES_ORDER_EXAMPLE, and redefine the dispatching methods for Create, Read, Update, and Query (CRUQ) operations for the extended entity:





    For the dispatching method of each operation, enhance the code for the extended entity set and call the super method for all other entities.

    Optional: To be consistent with SAP development, follow the next step and build the typed methods, and in the dispatching method route to the typed methods.

  3. Copy the typed methods for the CRUQ operations that have been assigned to the entity set you want to extend.

    This graphic is explained in the accompanying text.

    Example of method names for the operations

  4. Provide a new name, by adding a suffix or prefix, such as, _EXT. In the example, we copied the methods in the source service, ZSALES_ORDER_EXAMPLE, to the new methods in the target service, and added the suffix, _EXT.

    This graphic is explained in the accompanying text.

    Copied methods

  5. Update the method interfaces with the model provider class (MPC extension) types in your new project.

    Once you have the new methods, you can update their interfaces.

    Note Note

    Note that the new methods are not inherited, therefore you can update their interfaces.

    End of the note.

    For each method, copy the type structure in the MPC extension class of the source service, ZSALES_ORDER_EXAMPLE, and replace the type structure in the MPC extension class in the target service, ZEXTEND_SALES_ORDER_EXAMPLE.

    Make changes to the methods of the operations as follows:

    • CREATE operation

      Change the ER_ENTITY type

      In the source service, ZSALES_ORDER_EXAMPLE, the MPC extension class displays, ZCL_ZSALES_ORDER_EXAMP_MPC=>TS_SALESORDER.

      In the target service, ZEXTEND_SALES_ORDER_EXAMPLE, edit the MPC extension class to,ZCL_ZEXTEND_SALES_ORDE_MPC=>TS_SALESORDER.

    • DELETE operation: No changes are required for this operation, since you cannot copy the method.

    • READ (GET_ENTITY) operation

      Change the ER_ENTITY type as follows:

      In the source service, ZSALES_ORDER_EXAMPLE, the MPC extension class displays as, ZCL_ZSALES_ORDER_EXAMP_MPC=>TS_SALESORDER.

      In the target service, ZEXTEND_SALES_ORDER_EXAMPLE, edit the MPC extension class to,ZCL_ZEXTEND_SALES_ORDE_MPC=>TS_SALESORDER.

    • QUERY (GET_ENTITYSET) operation

      Change the ET_ENTITY type from:

      In the source service, ZSALES_ORDER_EXAMPLE, the MPC extension class displays as, ZCL_ZSALES_ORDER_EXAMP_MPC=>TT_SALESORDER.

      In the target service, ZEXTEND_SALES_ORDER_EXAMPLE, edit the MPC extension class to, ZCL_ZEXTEND_SALES_ORDE_MPC=>TT_SALESORDER.

    • UPDATE operation

      Change the ER_ENTITY type as follows:

      In the source service, ZSALES_ORDER_EXAMPLE, the MPC extension class displays as, ZCL_ZSALES_ORDER_EXAMP_MPC=>TS_SALESORDER.

      In the target service, ZEXTEND_SALES_ORDER_EXAMPLE, edit the MPC extension class to, ZCL_ZEXTEND_SALES_ORDE_MPC=>TS_SALESORDER.

  6. Update the code in the methods, and provide the additional fields.

    You have two main options to update the code. The option you choose depends on the logic you want to implement:

    • Call the original method of the entity operation; and then provide the code for the additional field.

    • Copy the code for the method of the specific Entity Set, and the specific operation, from the original method; and update the code for the additional fields.

    If you choose to implement the first option, you will be using SAP code with your own code for the additional fields. The disadvantage is that, it you may call the backend twice; once for the SAP provided fields, and then again for the additional fields.

  7. Redefine the dispatching methods.

    The next process is to redefine each dispatching method in the DPC (extension) class.

    There are typed methods with MPC type, and dispatching methods. At runtime the dispatching methods, one method per each CRUDQ operation, are called with a generic interface that dispatches the call to specific typed methods.

    The specific call is based on the Entity Set name.

    In each dispatch method, verify that the specific entity is the extended entity, and then route the entity to the new methods, if not, route it to a super dispatching method.

Syntax Syntax

Below is an example code for Get Entity:

METHOD /iwbep/if_mgw_appl_srv_runtime~get_entity.

DATA salesorderset_get_entityset

TYPE zcl_zextend_sales_orde_mpc=>ts_salesorder.

DATA lv_entityset_name TYPE string.

DATA lr_entity TYPE REF TO data.

lv_entityset_name = io_tech_request_context->get_entity_set_name( ).

CASE lv_entityset_name.

*------------------------------------------------------------------------- *

* EntitySet - SalesOrderSet


* WHEN 'SalesOrderSet'.

* Call the entity set generated method


EXPORTING iv_entity_name = iv_entity_name

iv_entity_set_name = iv_entity_set_name

iv_source_name = iv_source_name

it_key_tab = it_key_tab

it_navigation_path = it_navigation_path

io_tech_request_context = io_tech_request_context

IMPORTING er_entity = salesorderset_get_entityset ).

IF salesorderset_get_entityset IS NOT INITIAL.

* Send specific entity data to the caller interface



is_data = salesorderset_get_entityset


cr_data = er_entity ).


* In case of initial values - unbind the entity reference er_entity = lr_entity.



* Other enteties => call SAP model




CALL METHOD super->/iwbep/if_mgw_appl_srv_runtime~get_entity


iv_entity_name = iv_entity_name

iv_entity_set_name = iv_entity_set_name

iv_source_name = iv_source_name

it_key_tab = it_key_tab it_navigation_path = it_navigation_path

io_tech_request_context = io_tech_request_context


er_entity = er_entity.

CATCH /iwbep/cx_mgw_busi_exception.

* todo

CATCH /iwbep/cx_mgw_tech_exception.

* todo




End of the code.
Use Case 2: Adding a New Entity

The following are the processes for adding a new entity to extend the OData service:

  1. In your target service, ZEXTEND_SALES_ORDER_EXAMPLE, create and add the new entity, and then generate the project.

    For more information, see Entity Types

  2. Manually create new methods for the CRUDQ operations you require for the newly created entity.

    You can copy existing methods generated for another entity and use it to update your new entity, and add the relevant code.

  3. Redefine the dispatching method.

    The dispatching methods are inherited from the DPC source service, and these methods do not recognize the new entity; therefore you must redefine these methods in your target service.

    See the section on “Redefine the dispatching methods”.

Use Case 3: Adding a New Function Import

The following are the enhancement processes for extending an OData service by adding a new function import to the data model:

  1. Add a new function import into the model.

  2. Manually redefine the function import method,</IWBEP/IF_MGW_CORE_SRV_RUNTIM =>EXEC_SERVICE_OPERATION>, and write your own code.

Use Case 4: Adding an Association and a Navigation Property

The following are the enhancement processes for extending an OData service by adding an association and a navigation property:

  1. In the target service, add the new association, navigation property, and referential constraint to the data model.

  2. Update the code in the query and read operations of the target entity.