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Analytics AnnotationsLocate this document in the navigation structure

Enable the analytic manager for multidimensional data consumption, performing data aggregation, and slicing and dicing data. BI frontends like Design Studio and Analysis Office can consume the data via the analytic manager.

Scope and Definition
Annotation Analytics
   dataCategory : String enum { DIMENSION; FACT; CUBE; AGGREGATIONLEVEL; };
   query : Boolean default true;
   hidden : Boolean default true;
      enabled : Boolean default true;
      enabled : Boolean default true;
      className : String;

The analytic manager needs a star schema (multidimensional) and a query to consume the data. Most annotations for defining the star schema in different CDS views are specified in ObjectModel annotations. The Analytics annotations also specify the facts (center of the star schema), extraction capabilities for replicating data into further systems and analytical query properties. A semantic distinction can be made in the Analytics annotations between annotations that are relevant for the InfoProvider (CUBE) level and annotations that are only relevant for analytic queries.

Annotation Meaning


By specifying the data category, the developer can give directives and hints, for example, tell the analytic manager how to interpret individual entities.

Scope: #VIEW

Evaluation Runtime (Engine): Analytic query can be defined on top of CDS views using the Analytics.dataCategory annotation.


Value Description
#DIMENSION Views representing master data should be annotated with ObjectModel.dataCategory: #DIMENSION. If you want to use one of these views for replication or for a query, then you should also use Analytics.dataCategory: #DIMENSION.

Typical dimensions are material view, customer view etc.

#FACT This value indicates that the entity represents transactional data (center of star schema). Usually it contains the measures. Typically these views are necessary for replication. Therefore they should not be joined with master data views.
#CUBE The #CUBE value (like #FACT) also represents fact data, but #CUBE does not have to be without redundancy. This means joins with master data are possible. Queries are usually built on top of #CUBE, where data is replicated from facts.
#AGGREGATIONLEVEL This value indicates a projection. For this kind of view, the analytic manager offers write-back functionality (planning functionality). Views in this category have to select from a view with dataCategory = #CUBE, which supports the annotation Analytics.writeBack.className. No associations are allowed, and elements cannot be renamed.


Query view classification. By tagging the CDS view, the developer can specify which views will be exposed to the analytic manager. These views must not be annotated with Analytics.dataCategory = #NONE.

Scope: #VIEW

Evaluation Runtime (Engine): Annotation related to analytic queries. This type of view is interpreted as an analytic query by the analytic manager and data is selected from the view specified in the from clause. The view of the from clause has to be annotated with the Analytics.dataCategory as #DIMENSION, #CUBE or #AGGREGATIONLEVEL, and the DCL has to be assigned to the view of the from clause.


Value Description
true The query view will be exposed to the analytic manager. This is the default setting.
false The query view will not be exposed to the analytic manager.


Application developers can use this annotation to mark views that are suitable for data replication (for example, delta capabilities must be provided for mass data). These views have to be annotated with Analytics.dataCategory (except the value AGGREGATIONLEVEL).

Scope: #VIEW

Evaluation Runtime (Engine): These views are exposed in replication scenarios.


Value Description
true The view is suitable for data replication. This is the default setting.
false The view is not suitable for data replication.


You can use this flag to decide whether the entity should be visible to analytic clients.

Scope: #VIEW

Evaluation Runtime (Engine): Views with Analytics.query are not exposed in value help. Views with Analytics.dataCategory are not exposed in value help for the CDS query designer.


Value Description
true The view cannot be consumed by analytic clients. This is the default setting.
false The view can be consumed by analytic clients.


You can use this annotation to define an input-enabled analytic query. It can only be used in views with Analytics.query: true, and the view has to select data from a view which is annotated with Analytics.dataCategory: #AGGREGATIONLEVEL.

Scope: #VIEW

Evaluation Runtime (Engine): An input-enabled query provides writeback capabilities and can be used in planning scenarios.


Value Description
true The view is enabled for planning. This is the default setting.
false The view is not enabled for planning.


Only relevant for Analytics.dataCategory: #CUBE or Analytics.dataCategory: #FACT.

Scope: #VIEW

Evaluation Runtime (Engine): Views with Analytics.dataCategory: #AGGREGATIONLEVEL on top of this type of view can be used for planning scenarios. The ABAP class is used for saving the data, authorization checks and enqueuing.


Value Description
classNameas String Name of an ABAP class, which implements the interface IF_RODPS_ODP_WRITEBACK. The class enables the analytic manager to write data to the view.
Example 1

Example for replication-enabled master data.

Sample Code
@EndUserText.label: 'EPM Demo: Employee'
@Analytics:{ dataCategory: #DIMENSION , dataExtraction.enabled: true }
//@VDM.viewType: #BASIC
@AccessControl.authorizationCheck: #CHECK
@ObjectModel.representativeKey: 'EmployeeUUID'
@AbapCatalog.sqlViewName: 'SEPM_IEMPLOYEE'
define view SEPM_I_Employee as
  select from snwd_employees

association [0..1] to SEPM_I_Company               as _Company               on $projection.CompanyUUID        = _Company.CompanyUUID  

  key snwd_employees.node_key      as EmployeeUUID,
  @ObjectModel.foreignKey.association: '_Company'  
  snwd_employees.parent_key        as CompanyUUID,
Example 2

Example for transactional data (fact).

Sample Code
@EndUserText.label: 'EPM Demo: Sales Order Item with Addtl. Data (private view)'
@Analytics.dataCategory: #CUBE
@AccessControl.authorizationCheck: #CHECK
@AbapCatalog.sqlViewName: 'SEPM_PSOIC'

define view SEPM_P_SalesOrderItemCube
  with parameters
    P_DisplayCurrency : snwd_curr_code      //for currency conversion, TODO: data element with better description

  as select from SEPM_I_SalesOrderItem

  association [0..1] to SEPM_I_SalesOrder_E          as _SalesOrder_E      on  $projection.salesorder      = _SalesOrder_E.SalesOrder
                                                     @ObjectModel.foreignKey.association: '_SalesOrder_E'
  key _SalesOrder.SalesOrder,