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Background documentationTable Properties Locate this document in the navigation structure


  • accessibilityDescription

    If you have activated accessibility, the assigned text is added to the quick info. This description provides semantic details of the UI element, and is only read by the screen reader if the user sets the focus on the full Ul element.

    This property can be personalized by administrators.

  • activateAccessKey

    Activates access keys.

    Both users and administrators can personalize this property.

  • columnResizeMode

    If the property fixedTableLayout=true and personalization is activated, the user can change the width of the columns by dragging the column boundary with the mouse. The new values are persisted in the user's personalization data. If the application parameter is WDUIGUIDELINE=GL20, the behavior of this feature can be configured using this property.

    This property can be personalized by both administrators and users. Users can do so by activating or deactivating the Allow Horizontal Scrolling option on the table personalization screen.

    Note Note

    If columnResizeMode=preserveOtherColumnWidths, the following conditions must be met:

    • The following must be set: table.fixedTableLayout=true

    • Table.width must be specified

    • All TableColumn.width must be have a width in ex, em, or px

    If a width is not set in this way, the Web Dynpro Framework attempts to determine a width from the cell editor.

    End of the note.



    Can be Set Using Personalization


    If you change the width of a column by dragging the column boundary in the header with the mouse, the width of all other columns is not affected.

    If the sum of all column widths is larger than the width of the entire table, standard scrolling on the client is enabled.

    Note Note

    With this value both Table.ScrollableColCount and Table.firstVisibleScrollableCol cannot be used.

    End of the note.


    preserveTableWidth (standard value)

    The behavior of column resizing is as normal: If you change the width of a column by dragging the column boundary in the header with the mouse, the width of all other columns is also affected.


    Caution Caution

    Limitations of preserveOtherColumnWidths:

    • This value is only available for application parameter WDUIGUIDELINE = GL20.

    • Fixed columns, selection columns, and scrolling are ignored.

    • All TableColumn/TreeBy*TableColumn.Width must be filled with absolute units (px, em, ex). Relative column widths (with unit %) are ignored. In this case an estimate absolute value is used.

    • Table.width must be set. Here 100% and other absolute width specifications (px,ex,em) are possible. If no Table.width is set, the Web Dynpro ABAP Framework sets the width to Table.width = 100%.

    End of the caution.

    You can find an example of both values in the system in the test application WDR_TEST_TABLE_BTC.

  • dataSource

    Context node with data for the Table. Each element of the context node corresponds to a table row.

    Primary Property.

  • defaultButtonId

    ID of a ToolBarButton from the ToolBar of the Table. If the user presses Enter in an (ToolBar) InputField in a Table, the action handler of this Button is called. A similar mechanism is available for TransparentContainers, Groups, etc.

    You can find an example in the system in component WDR_TEST_TABLE in Cell Alignment. There, when you press Enter in an InputField in the Table , the action handler for the Button Insert Cells in the ToolBar is triggered.

    This property can be personalized by administrators.

  • design

    Table display. You should use design<>standard only if table.readonly=true. The background color of the Table and table cells is also determined by the cellDesign property of TableColumn and cell variants. The table.gridMode determines whether grid lines are displayed.

    Note Note

    Only if<>alternating is set is the color of tableColumn.cellDesign and the cellDesign of any cell variants displayed.

    End of the note.

    This property can be personalized by administrators.


    Example of the Visual Display


    Can be Set Using Personalization


    design=alternating (design=alternating)

    White/grey alternative rows, only possible with readOnly



    design=standard (design=standard)

    Standard table background: The background of Table has one color. The individual cells are displayed with gridlines.



    design=transparent (design=transparent)

    The background of the Table is transparent. The individual cells are displayed without gridlines.



    design=transparentWithGrid (design=transparentWithGrid)

    The background of the Table is transparent. The individual cells are displayed with gridlines.


  • displayEmptyRows

    This property checks whether empty rows in the area can be displayed for visible rows. If you set this property to false, the visible rows are collapsed in such a way that the actual number of rows with content is displayed.

    If the number of actual rows is less than table.visibleRowCount, additional, inactive blank rows are inserted if displayEmptyRows=true.

  • dropOnRowName

    Name of the DropTargetInfo that defines how data is dropped on to Table rows.

    If the value is set to initial, it is not possible to drop onto a row. If the value matches the name of a DropTargetInfo, then this DropTargetInfo specifies the behavior of the Table row as a drop target. A different DropTargetInfo can thus be specified for each row by means of a context binding.

    More information: Drag and Drop

  • emptyTableText

    Text displayed for an empty Table.

    This property can be personalized by administrators.

  • firstActualRow

    Caution Caution

    This property is Deprecated. See Data Segments in the Context

    End of the caution.

    Row of the Table (counted from 0) that corresponds to the first element in the context. This property is used if you want the context to contain only one pane from the Table.

    Use this property only for Tables with extremely large data volumes.

    Note Note

    This is not valid for TreeByKeyTableColumn or TreeByNestingTableColumn.

    End of the note.
  • firstVisibleRow

    First visible row of the Table (counted from 0).

    Note Note

    If the firstVisibleRow lies outside of the existing data records, then the first visible row is recalculated internally so that as many rows as possible are visible at the end of the data set. The value however is not written back to the UI element. If the row is actually available in the data records, but the following data records are not sufficient to fill all the rows, empty rows are displayed for the missing data records. The first visible row is not corrected in this case.

    End of the note.

    This property, which does not have to be bound, can be changed by the client. See also Properties Used in MultiPane or TablePopin

  • firstVisibleScrollableCol

    First visible scrollable column of the table (ViewElement ID)

    Note Note

    This property, which does not have to be bound, can be changed by the client. See also Properties Used in MultiPane or TablePopin

    End of the note.
  • fixedTableLayout

    With fixedTableLayout each Table column has the exact width specified. In this case, the widths for the Table and TableColumns must be specified. For more information, see SAP Note 1253282. If the content is larger it is cut off on the right. Without fixedTableLayout, the width of the column is as specified or as large as the widest visible TableCellEditor. Here, the table column widths are minimum widths. In this mode, the width distribution of the table columns can change when you scroll through the Table vertically.

    Note Note

    If scrollableColCount=-2 is used, fixedTableLayout should be set.

    End of the note.

    This property can be personalized by administrators.

  • footerVisible

    This property is presently not evaluated.

  • gridMode

    Grid mode. This setting is ignored with readOnly-Tables and design=transparent.

    This property can be personalized by administrators.



    Can be Set Using Personalization


    Horizontal and vertical lines are displayed



    Horizontal lines are displayed



    The Table has no grid lines.



    Vertical lines are displayed.


  • handleHotkeys

    Specifies whether hot keys defined within the UI element can be triggered globally or locally (when the focus is in the UI element).

  • legendId

    ID of the assigned Legend.

  • multiColSorting

    Enables multiple column sorting. You can find an example in the system in component: WDR_TEST_TABLE in view CELL_POPIN.

    By pressing CTRL and clicking on the appropriate columns, you can select multiple columns to sort.

  • readOnly

    The Table differentiates between editable mode and readOnly mode. In the editable mode (readOnly=false) input-enabled cells are shown with white a background, and cells not input-enabled are shown with a grayed-out background. Cells are input-enabled when the Table is enabled, the TableCellEditor in this table is input-enabled and is not readOnly.

    In readOnly mode all cells are not input-enabled. But they are not grayed-out. It is also possible to use semantic colors (TableColumn.cellDesign) and alternating backgorund (

    UI elements InputField, DropDownByIndex and DropDownByKey are displayed as text. No value list is provided.

    UI elements CheckBox and RadioButton are displayed as readOnly.

    Note Note

    Only if readonly=X, does have an effect.

    End of the note.

    This property can be personalized by administrators. In personalization, this property can be assigned the value: true.

  • rowCount

    Caution Caution

    This property is Deprecated. See Data Segments in the Context

    End of the caution.

    Number of rows displayed in the Table (for context paging only).

    You cannot set the rowCount at the same time as you insert a TreeByNestingTableColumn or a TreeByKeyTableColumn.

  • rowSelectable

    The rowSelectable property enables you to make specific table rows selectable or non-selectable.

    Example Example

    For example, in WDA ALV totals rows for results and intermediate results cannot be selected since they do not correspond to any data, and the status of these rows can be changed to non-selectable using the rowSelectable property.

    End of the example.

    However, you should not set the rowSelectable value to false without context binding. If you want to deactivate the selection completely, set the selectionMode to selectionMode to none. This means that you cannot set rowSelectable=false for selected rows/context elements!

  • scrollableColCount

    Number of scrollable columns that can be displayed at the same time.

    Possible Values


    Values smaller than -1

    not allowed


    Columns are displayed. No column scrolling


    Columns are not displayed. Neither are TableColumn headers displayed, and the following message appears: The table does not contain any visible columns.

    Values larger than 0

    A scroll bar for column scrolling appears and the specified number of columns is displayed.

    This property can be personalized by administrators.

  • selectedPopin

    TablePopin currently visible.

    ID of the row of visible popins: Either the ID of the TablePopin or the ID of a column popin. Leave this property empty if you do not want to display a popin.

  • selectionChangeBehaviour

    The lead selection in the context can be toggled by the user either automatically or manually, that is, by the application itself.

    This function only takes effect if the lead selection is set or removed by the user.




    Lead selection is toggled automatically

    Caution Caution

    With WDUIGUIDELINE=GL20 or if Table.selectionColumnDesign=toggle, only auto can be used.

    End of the caution.


    The lead selection is not set by the framework. The application developer can set the lead selection in the event handler of onLeadSelect.


    For future enhancements

  • selectionColumnDesign

    You can use this option to influence the behavior and appearance of a selectable Web Dynpro ABAP Table.

    Caution Caution

    If selectionColumnDesign=none, selection is possibly only by clicking in the table cells. This is not possible, however, if you click an editable or clickable cell editor such as InputField or Button. For this reason, we recommend that you use this feature only for readOnly-Tables.

    End of the caution.

    For more information, see Selection in Tables.


    Example of the Visual Display



    selectionColumnDesign=default (selectionColumnDesign=default)

    If WDUIGUIDELINE=GL11, standard is used; if WDUIGUIDELINE=GL22, toggle is used (default setting).


    selectionColumnDesign=none (selectionColumnDesign=none)

    The selection cells at the start of the row disappear.


    selectionColumnDesign=standard (selectionColumnDesign=standard)

    There are no changes to the display of the selection cells.


    selectionColumnDesign=toggle (selectionColumnDesign=toggle)

    Selection cells are visible, but behave different to normal. See also Selection in Tables.

    Caution Caution

    The toggle value may only be used with the Table.selectionChangeBehaviuour=auto property.

    End of the caution.
  • selectionMode

    Specifies how selections are made in the Table. If you click on a selection cell, a row is selected. The lead selection (except with ssingleNoLead and multiNoLead) is set to the associated element. If other selections exist, they are deleted.

    In mode multi, multiNoLead and auto with node cardinality 0..n or 1..n the following is possible:

    • CTRL+click, CTRL+spacebar

      Toggles a selection.

    • SHIFT+Click, SHIFT+Space

      Selects the area from the lead selection to the row selected. If no lead selection is set, the selection starts from the first row. In the multiNoLead mode, the selection starts from the row last selected




    Lead selection and single selection or multi-selection, if the context node permits this.


    Lead selection and single selection.


    Lead selection and multiple selection.


    No selection.


    Single selection (without lead selection).


    Multiple selection (without lead selection).

  • visibleRowCount

    Number of rows visible at once in the Table.

    If the number of rows in the dataSource is smaller than the visibleRowCount, the Table is filled with empty rows. These rows are not input-enabled.

    Caution Caution

    Table.visibleRowCount = -1 is deprecated.

    With -1, all of the rows from the dataSource are displayed at once. This can, however, lead to a reduction in performance on the client side. Instead, use Table.displayEmptyRows=false combined with Table.visibleRowCount>0. You must also specify the maximum number of visible rows for your application interfaces.

    End of the caution.

    Note Note

    A large number of visible entries (for instance more than 30) can lead to performance problems. Use the integrated paging or scrolling options of the associated UI element.

    End of the note.

    Both users and administrators can personalize this property.

  • width

    Width of the Table. The Table is at least as big as the specification here, at any rate big enough that the content fits in the Table. For this reason we recommend you specify a width for the Table only if a percentage is used for the column width. See also SAP Note 1253282.

    Recommendation Recommendation

    We recommend you always set the width property of aTable (for example, to 100%), otherwise the Table may be compressed if displayed in the Firefox browser.

    End of the recommendation.

    This property can be personalized by administrators.