When defining a query, you can restrict characteristics in the filter to single characteristic values, value ranges, hierarchy nodes, or characteristic value variables.
You have selected the characteristic in the filter and using the secondary mouse button, you have chosen Restrict in the context menu.
When you select characteristic values in the query definition, you can use the same functions as those available in the input help in the executed query. For the following functions, see the descriptions under Selecting Characteristic Values.
● Selecting single values
● Selecting value ranges
● Displaying value keys
● Values available in history
● Saving values to favorites
● Deleting values from the selection window
A search option is available in the input help dialog box. For more information, see Searching for Values.
You can make various user-specific settings to personalize input help functions. For more information, see Maintaining User Settings for the Input Help Dialog Box.
In contrast to calling the input help dialog box from the BEx Analyzer and the BEx Report Designer, the input help dialog box in the BEx Query Designer always appears with the full range of functions and with both screen areas. The right window, Selection, which displays the selected values, is always visible.
You can choose from the following additional functions in the query definition:
You use this function to select the values that you do not need for your report.
This function is only used with single values or single value variables.
1. Select the required value in the right Selection window.
2. Choose Exclude from Selection.
If you want to undo the procedure, choose Include in Selection.
When you select characteristic values in the query definition, you can also select variables instead of fixed values. These act as placeholders and are only filled with fixed values when the query is executed.
When selecting variables, you can also define new variables, change variables, or delete variables. These functions are always available to the right of the selection of the variable type.
1. Choose Show → Variables.
2. Under Type, select the variable type (such as Characteristic Value Variable, Hierarchy Node Variable) from which you want to select the variable.
3. Select one (or, in exceptional cases, more than one) variable from the list of available variables in the left window and add them (using the right arrow) to the right Selection window.
1. Choose Show → Value Ranges.
2. Select your required operator from the dropdown box. You can choose from the following operators:
○ Between
○ Less Than or Equal to
○ Greater Than or Equal to
○ Less Than
○ Greater Than
3. Select the required value or values for the value range and choose . The input help appears in a new dialog box and displays the selection of variables under Show → Variables.
4. Under Type, select the variable type (such as Characteristic Value Variable, Hierarchy Node Variable) from which you want to select the variable.
5. Select the required variable and choose OK.
6. For the Between operator, two single values are required for the interval limits; the system automatically displays two dropdown boxes. In this case, repeat steps 3-5.
7. After you have set the value range, choose OK.
8. Add the selection to the right Selection window using the right arrow.
1. Choose Show → Value Ranges.
2. Choose the Between operator.
3. Select the fixed limit:
You can also select the values from your history in the dropdown box.
If you want to select another value, choose . The input help appears in a new dialog box and offers the corresponding single values under Show → Single Values or History for selection. Select the required value and choose OK.
4. Select the variable limit by following steps 3-5 from the Selecting Value Range Limits section above.
5. After you have set the value range, choose OK.
6. Add the selection to the right Selection window using the right arrow.
You can only use this function for characteristic value variables of the type Single Value.
1. Select the required variable in the right Selection window.
2. Choose Set Variable Offsets.
3. Enter the required offset value.
4. Choose OK.
You want to select the period of the last 5 years for your data analysis.
i. Choose Show → Value Range and Between as the operator.
ii. Choose the variable Current Calendar Year and copy it to the right Selection window using the right arrow.
iii. Select the variable and choose Set Variable Offsets.
iv. For the lower limit, enter the offset -5.
v. Do not enter an offset for the upper limit.
vi. Choose OK.
You can also restrict characteristics by hierarchy or hierarchy node, on a fixed or variable basis. See Restricting Characteristics: Hierarchies.
You have now restricted a characteristic to certain characteristic values. Choose OK. You return to the query definition. Save your entries and execute the query.
If you have restricted a characteristic to variable values, before the query is executed a dialog box appears into which you manually enter variable values (provided that the variable is flagged as Ready for Input). For more information, see Variables.
Enter the required values and choose OK. The query is now executed with the chosen values.
The query is calculated according to your selection criteria. The selected characteristic values are displayed to the right in the filter area, next to the corresponding characteristic. Only the selected characteristic values are included in the table (or in the chart or map).