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Object documentationTechnical Information for the Query API


This chapter lists technical information, in addition to the preceding documents about the query API.


Attribute Names and Property Names

HTML Attributes and Properties

You can use the condition to check the regular HTML attributes and properties. The following attribute names are supported:

  • id: ID of the HTML element

  • tag: tag of the HTML element

  • innerText (*): value of the innerText property of the HTML element

  • value (*): value attribute of the HTML element

  • readOnly (*): value of the readOnly attribute as a Boolean

  • disabled (*): Boolean value of the disabled attribute as a Boolean

  • class: list of styles applied to the HTML element

  • className: same as class

  • href: href attribute of a link, that is, of the anchor HTML element

Caution Caution

(*) Some HTML attributes may not reflect the visual aspect of the Web controls, depending on the UI technology. For instance, the UI technologies do not necessarily rely on a disabled HTML attribute to enable or disable a control, so the disabled attribute is meaningless. In such a situation, another attribute that is specific to the underlying UI technology) can provide the information.

End of the caution.

WebCUIF Attributes

The WebCUIF attributes that can be used to test CRM applications start with the prefix crm.. The following attributes are supported:

  • crm.value: value of the CRM Web control

    The underlying HTML attribute used to retrieve the information can vary, depending on the UI element type. For instance, the value HTML attribute is returned for input HTML elements, but the innerText HTML attribute is used instead for texts and labels.

  • CRM ID of the CRM Web control

    This ID is unique within the HTML content. It has a CRM-specific syntax, and provides the following information:

    • A_ fragment: specifies the application

    • V_ fragment: specifies the view name

    • T_ fragment: specifies the type

    • C_ fragment: specifies the context node

    • I_ fragment: is the interface (optional); for input fields, the technical name of the field

    • R_ fragment: provides the row number (optional)

    • K_ fragment: provides the key (optional)

  • crm.type: type of the CRM Web control

    This type corresponds to the T_ fragment of It is independent of the internal HTML tag that is used to render the UI element. For example, the inputField type is used for checkboxes.

  • crm.tagType: tag type or subtype depending on the UI element type.

    CRM Web controls of typeinputField can have the following tagType settings:

    • checkbox for checkbox controls

    • dropdownListBox for combo box controls

    • valueHelp for input fields with F4 help

  • crm.application: A_ fragment of the

  • crm.view: V_ fragment of the

  • crm.context: C_ fragment of the

  • crm.interface: I_ fragment of the

  • crm.row: R_ fragment of the

  • crm.key: K_ fragment of the

  • crm.column.title: title of the column that contains the CRM Web control, if there is an R_ fragment

  • crm.wrongName: returns [wrongName] to indicate an unexpected attribute name that is passed as input parameter

  • crm.column:<field>: value of the cell that contains the field specified by the <field> fragment

    The <field> fragment provides the technical name of a field that is displayed by the cell. It must be in the format <context>.<interface>.

  • crm.column~<title>: value of the cell that is displayed by the column with <title> in its column header

Light Speed Attributes

Applications based on the URI Light Speed framework generate controls that include some meta information, which can be used by queries to search for controls:

  • ls.type: type of the control

  • ls.subtype: the subtype of the control (if any)

  • ID of the HTML element for the best current control

  • ls.value: value of the HTML element for the best current control

  • ls.value: tag of the HTML element for the best control

Web Dynpro ABAP Attributes

The following attributes are available only when you test applications that were developed in Web Dynpro ABAP. They provide further information about the fields:

  • ls.component: name of the component to which the control belongs

  • ls.application: (alias) same as ls.component

  • ls.view: technical name of the view to which the control belongs

  • ls.field: technical name of the field in the corresponding view

  • ls.row: row number (if the control is embedded in a table)

  • ls.column.title: title of the column that contains the control if the control is embedded in a table

  • ls.column:<field>: value of the cell that contains the field specified by the <field> fragment.

    The <field> fragment provides the technical name of the field that is displayed by the cell.

  • ls.column~<title>: value of the cell that is displayed by the column with <title> as its column header

Light Speed Data

Light Speed Controls have an HTML attribute that provides additional meta information: the attribute. This information is parsed and made available to the test framework as Light Speed attributes that can be used to define conditions. Not all Light Speed attributes are provided here, because each control can have a different set of data, depending on its nature. You can use the object spy to look for a control, and see the data that is available.

The following are common Light Speed attributes:

  • value of the control

  • state of the control, for example checked for a checkbox

  • defines whether the control is enabled (true or false)

  • defines whether the control value can be modified (true or false)

  • text of the control

    This is usually similar to the innerText HTML attribute, but when the control is complex, theinnerText attribute may return a multi-line value (including carriage return characters).

  • tooltip associated with the control

Boolean Operatiors

The Query API supports the following operators when you define conditions.

  • =: equal to

  • ==: same as =

  • <>: not equal to

  • !=: same as <>

  • <: less than

  • <=: less than or equal to

  • >: greater than

  • >=: greater than or equal to

  • {contains}: contains

  • {startsWith}: starts with

  • {endsWith}: ends with

  • {matches}: value matches a regular expression; regular expressions use the C# syntax.

Options for Conditions

For most of the attributes, the conditions compare operand values as strings, and the comparison is case-sensitive, as in the following example:

filter.AddCondition "crm.column~Partner Function", "=", "Sales employee"

The script may need a case-insensitive comparison. In that case, an additional parameter specifies condition options. Example:

filter.AddCondition "crm.column~Partner Function", "=", "SaLeS EmPlOYee", "/u"

With the /u option, both values are converted to upper-case before they are compared.

These are the available options:

  • /u: upper-case. Non-case-sensitive comparison. Both operand values are converted to upper-case before they are compared.

  • /t: trimmed. Both operand values are trimmed, to remove heading and trailing spaces, before they are compared.

  • /b: Boolean. Both operand values are converted to a Boolean value (true or false) before they are compared. This option is implicit for boolean attributes such asreadOnly anddisabled

  • /i: integer. Both operand values are converted to an integer before they are compared. The value is not truncated; for example, the value 10.50 is converted to 11.

  • /f: float. Both operand values are converted to float before they are compared.

Web Query API

Web Controller Interface

The Web controller interface is the main entry point to test Web applications. It exposes the following methods:

  • CreateQuery: creates a query object to search the HTML content for Web controls

  • CreateWebQuery: same as CreateQuery method of the Web controller

  • GetWebControlByUri: resolves the URI parameter and returns the corresponding Web control (if any)

  • GetElementByUri: resolves the URI parameter and returns the corresponding HTML element (if any)

Web Query Interface

The Web query interface is the main interface of all query objects. It exposes the following methods:

  • SetFilter: removes all filters and defines the first one

    Input parameters: none. Use the SetCondition and AddCondition methods to define the criteria.

  • AddFilter: adds an additional filter

    Input parameters: none. Use the SetCondition and AddCondition methods to define the criteria.

  • SelectSingle: resolves the query and returns the first Web control that matches the criteria

  • Select: resolves the query and returns a set of Web controls

    Input parameters: maxHits (optional), specifies the maximum number of controls to return. See also Iterating through a Collection of Web Controls.

  • GetMainControl: resolves the ParentControlUri (if specified) and returns the corresponding Web control

It also exposes the following properties:

  • ParentControlUri: defines the scope of the search for controls

    Its value is the URI of the parent container that is to be searched. When it is empty, the query searches the main document of the main page. See also Reducing the Scope of a Query and Searching for Web Controls in a Popup Window.

Web Filter Interface

A filter object that contains a list of conditions that specify the criteria that the controls have to match, and that can have sub-filters that specify additional criteria.

  • SetCondition: removes all conditions (if any) and defines the first one.

    Input parameters:

    • AttributeName: attribute name (or the property name)

    • BooleanOperator: operator to use to evaluate the condition

    • Value: expected value

    • Options: conversion options

    See also Attribute Names and Property Names, Boolean Operators, and Options for Conditions.

  • AddCondition: adds a condition

    Input parameters: same as for SetCondition.

  • RemoveAllConditions: removes all conditions (if any)

  • SetFilter: removes all sub-filters and defines the first one

    Input parameters: none. Use the SetCondition and AddCondition methods to define the criteria.

    See also Combining Filters for Complex Queries.

  • AddFilter: adds an additional sub-filter

    Input parameters: none. Use the SetCondition and AddCondition methods to define the criteria.

  • RemoveAllFilters: removes all filters (if any)

Web Condition Interface

Conditions are defined using the SetCondition and the AddCondition methods of the Web filter interface. The condition object that is created exposes the following properties:

  • AttributeName: name of the attribute or property that is used by this condition

  • BooleanOperator: operator that is used to evaluate this condition

  • Value: expected value of the attribute or property

  • Option: options that are used to evaluate this condition

Web Control Interface

The Web control interface provides access to the HTML attributes and properties of the underlying HTML element. It exposes the following methods:

  • GetHtmlElement: returns the underlying HTML element

    The object returned here implements Microsoft interfaces, depending on its nature.

  • GetControlUri: returns the URI of the control in the current HTML content

    This URI can be used to call a default component implementation, to simulate user actions such as a mouse click.

  • GetAttribute: returns the value of an HTML attribute of the underlying HTML element

    Input parameters: AttributeName. Name (value) of the attribute.

  • GetProperty: returns the value of an HTML property of the underlying HTML element

    Input parameters: PropertyName. Name (value) of the property (for exampleinnerText).

  • HighLight: highlights the HTML element at runtime, for troubleshooting

    Input parameters: ColorName. The color that is used to highlight the control property (for example innerText), for example red, green, or blue.

  • FindFirstChildElement: searches for a child control

    Input parameters:

    • TagName: HTML tag to search for, for example SPAN

    • Recurse (optional): true to search recursively in the HTML DOM hierarchy of HTML elements

  • FindLastChildElement: searches for the latest child control

    Input parameters:

    • TagName: HTML tag to search for, for example SPAN

    • Recurse (optional): true to search recursively in the HTML DOM hierarchy of HTML elements

  • FindChildElementAtPosition: searches for a child control at a position (index)

    Input parameters:

    • TagName: HTML tag to search for, for example SPAN

    • Index: position number in the set of children

    • Recurse (optional): true to search recursively in the HTML DOM hierarchy of HTML elements

  • FindChildElements: returns a collection of child controls

    Input parameters:

    • TagName: HTML tag to search for, for example SPAN

    • Recurse (optional): true to search recursively in the HTML DOM hierarchy of HTML elements

Web Control Collection Interface

The set of Web controls is the result of the query that is called by the Select method. The test script can iterate through the set with the following methods and properties:

  • ControlAt method: returns the Web control at the specified position

    Input parameters: Index. The position number in the set of Web controls.

    See also, Iterating through a Collection of Web Controls.

  • Count property (read-only): number of controls in the set

Operation Result Interface

Interface that provides results when you call a default component implementation. It has the following properties.

  • Status (read-only): DONE, PASSED, WARNING, or FAILED

  • Feedback (read-only): message that provides feedback about the operation that was performed

  • Value (read-only): output value of the operation

  • Comment (read-only): additional information (optional)

  • ImageTitle (read-only): title of the screenshot (if any)

  • ImagePath (read-only): path to the screenshot (if any)

  • OutputParameters (read-only): set of output parameters

Interfaces Specialized for WebCUIF

CRM Controller Interface

The controller interface for CRM exposes the following methods:

  • CreateCrmQuery: creates a query object to search the HTML content for CRM controls

  • CreateQuery: same as CreateCrmQuery method when using this CRM controller

  • CreateWebQuery: same as CreateQuery method of the Web controller

  • GetWebControlByUri: resolves the URI parameter and returns the corresponding CRM control (if any)

CRM Query Interface

The CRM query interface exposes the same methods as the Web query interface that it extends, but the it returns WebCUIF controls instead of regular Web controls.

CRM Control Interface

The CRM control interface extends the Web control interface. It inherits capabilities from the Web control interface. It exposes the following, additional methods:

  • GetTestModeControl: returns the control that provides meta information about the CRM control

    This control is usually a hidden SPAN element that the WebCUIF framework inserts in the HTML content when CRM applications run in test mode.

  • GetTestModeElement: returns the SPAN element providing meta information about the CRM control

CRM Test Mode Control Interface

This interface provides access to the meta information that the WebCUIF framework inserts into the HTML content when CRM applications are running in test mode.

Method Name


Equivalent when Filtering


returns the ID of the control


returns the type of the control (T_ fragment of the ID)



returns the subtype of the control, as defined by the tagType HTML attribute, if any



returns the application to which the control belongs (A_ fragment of the ID)



returns the view the control belongs to (V_ fragment of the ID)



returns the context the control belongs to (C_ fragment of the ID)



returns the technical name of the control I_ fragment of the ID



returns the row number when embedded in a cell in a table



returns the key of the control when child item of a dropdown list box


Interfaces Specialized for Light Speed

Light Speed Controller Interface

The controller interface for Light Speed exposes the following methods:

  • CreateLsQuery: creates a query object to search the HTML content for Light Speed controls

    Input parameters: Options. Activates default filtering on common attributes, to restrict the number of elements found by the query.

    • /all: returns all HTML elements that are child of a Light Speed control. This is the default value.

    • /ls: returns all Light Speed elements, which have a ct or subct attribute.

    • /ct: returns all Light Speed elements with a ct attribute

    • /subct: returns all Light Speed elements with a subct attribute

    • /web: returns all HTML elements, even those that are not children of a Light Speed control

    Note: The option chosen here impacts the performance of a query.

  • CreateQuery: same as the CreateLsQuery method when using this Light Speed Controller

  • CreateWebQuery: same as the CreateQuery method of the Web controller

  • GetWebControlByUri: resolves the URI parameter and returns the corresponding WebCUIF control, if any

Light Speed Query Interface

The Light Speed query interface exposes the same methods as the Web query interface that it extends, but the query returns objects that implement the Light Speed controls instead of Web controls.

Light Speed Control Interface

The Light Speed Control interface extends the Web control interface. It inherits capabilities from the Web control interface. It exposes the following, additional methods:

  • GetRelevantControl: returns the relevant control, the one with HTML attributes (such as ct or subct), which define the control type

  • GetRelevantElement: returns the relevant element, the underlying HTML element of the relevant control, the one with HTML attributes (such as ct or subct), which define the control type

Light Speed Relevant Control Interface

The relevant control interface only makes the access to some meta information easier, that the Light Speed framework provides.

Method Name


Equivalent when Filtering


returns the ID of the control


returns the tag of the underlying HTML element



returns the type of the control



returns the subtype of the control



returns the component of the control (only Web Dynpro ABAP)



returns the view of the control (Web only Dynpro ABAP)



returns the name of the control (only Web Dynpro ABAP)



returns the row number (when embedded in a cell in a table)
