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Procedure documentationSet Solution Monitoring Filter Locate this document in the navigation structure


Business process operations dashboards support cross-solution reporting. If you create cross-solution dashboards, ensure that the monitoring objects do not collect the same data in different solutions. This would double-count the data in the dashboard. Set a filter for the Solution Monitoring ID (SM_SOLUT), exception: cross-solution reporting.


Recommendation Recommendation

Set a filter for at least one time characteristic. This improves the dashboard display performance. For more information about setting time attribute filters, see later in this document.

End of the recommendation.

To create a filter, proceed as follows:

  1. In the Set Up Analytical Key Figure tab, choose Add.

  2. Choose Change, at the right-hand side.

  3. Choose Add Filter Element to the filter attributes at the bottom of the screen. You go to a dialog box in which you enter the following data, depending on the filter type:

    • Regular Filter: To capture absolute values. For example, only the shipping points A, B and C. You can use Regular Filters for all attributes.

    • Relative Filter: You want, for example, to restrict the monitoring period relative to the 7 calendar days before the current date. You can only use Relative Filters for time attributes.

    • Top n Attribute Values Filters: For example, only the three shipping points with the highest throughput. You can use this filter type for all attributes.

      Note Note

      The TopN attribute must be a category or drilldown attribute.

      End of the note.
  4. Specify the value range to be monitored:

    • Prefix (not for Top N filters)

      • I = Included: Restrict to values within a value range.

      • E = Excluded: Restrict to values outside a value range. You cannot use this operator for time attributes.

    • Option: Select the operator (not for Top N filters):

      • EQ = equals

      • NE = not equal to

      • GT = greater than

      • GE = greater than or equal to

      • LT = less than

      • LE = less than or equal to

      • BT = between

    • Specify the value (or value range) in the fields Low (or Low and High).

      Recommendation Recommendation

      You can use wildcards instead of entering discrete values in the fields Low and High.

      For example, to select all shipping points beginning with “DE”, enter Shipping Point I EQ DE*.

      End of the recommendation.
  5. Choose Add.

  6. To select repeated attribute value (except time attributes), repeat the steps.

  7. Confirm with OK and save your entries.

    Note Note

    When confirmed, the filters are set and can no longer be changed. There can only be one filter for an attribute.

    To change filter settings, delete the filter with Remove Filter Element, and create a new one.

    End of the note.
Filter Criteria Creation Restrictions

Filter criteria restrictions.

  • Time attribute filters:

    • You can only filter by one attribute (CALDAY, CALWEEK, CALMONTH or CALYEAR)

    • You can use only the following operators to specify the value range:

      • (I)nclude: the values are within the range

      • (E)xclude: the values are outside the range

      • greater than (GT)

      • less than (LT)

      • equals (EQ)

      • between (BT)

        Note Note

        If you use the operator between for time attributes, the system ignores the operators (I)nclude and (E)xclude, include is the default.

        End of the note.
      • You can only make one selection, i.e. you can no longer add values for a time attribute with the operators I EQ.

        Example Example

        You cannot select the months March and June for your filter.

        End of the example.
  • Filter by other attributes:

    • You can filter by several attributes.

      Exception: You cannot filter by Alert Type (0SM_ALTYP) and other attributes.

    • You can select repeatedly for an attribute. You can add several values of an attribute, with the operators I EQ.

      Example Example

      Add the shipping points Frankfurt, Hamburg and Munich to the filter.

      End of the example.
    • You can use all operators without restrictions.

    • You cannot use the attribute timestamp (0SMD_TIHM) for backlog key figures. This attribute is only used system-internally.

      Only use the time attributes CALDAY, CALWEEK, CALMONTH or CALYEAR for backlog key figures.

More Information

Example: Set Filter