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Object documentationSecurity List App Locate this document in the navigation structure


In the Security List app, you can display a list of individual systems which are compliant/non-compliant, with the corresponding timestamp. Undefined items refer to objects for which no compliance data was found.


The Security List app provides detailed compliance information for each system, according to the following criteria:

  • Software

  • Configuration

  • User

The information in the app is:

  • Table column System: The comparison systems being queried.

  • Table columns Software, Configuration, User: The compliance evaluation with categories compliant, non-compliant, and undefined. For more information on compliance categories, see Security Dashboard

  • Table column Earliest timestamp: This refers to the config store whose validity has the earliest timestamp.

  • Target: This refers to the target system being evaluated.

  • Total # systems: This refers to the total number of comparison systems.

  • Table column Earliest Timestamp: This refers to the config store whose validity has the earliest timestamp.

After running the evaluation, click the Save Dashboard button to save the app in the Security dashboard.


The apps are displayed in the Security Dashboard. You can adjust the dashboard apps to your requirements by changing the data basis for the apps, or by displaying new apps. See Configuring Security Apps.