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Procedure documentationCreating Target Systems Locate this document in the navigation structure


The reference system contains the target configuration data that is compared with actual configuration data. A reference system can be a user-defined target system or an existing system. You can create a target system based on an existing system configuration. In doing so, the configuration elements of an existing system are copied from the configuration and change database and then adjusted.

The procedure describes how you create a new target system.


Creating a Target System
  1. Choose the Edit Target System tab.

  2. Choose Create.

  3. In the System ID field, enter the ID of the system whose configuration data you want to use as the basis for your target system or enter the data in one of the other fields in order to search for the desired system. In addition to that, you have the following options:

    • Display All:

      This displays all systems of your landscape that are available for the configuration check.

    • Display Selection:

      This displays only the systems that meet the selection criteria.

    • Delete Selection:

      The system deletes the entered selection criteria.

  4. Choose the desired system.

    The configuration stores of the system are displayed. You can press the Store Details button to display additional configuration store details. If you select the configuration store, its content is displayed in the lower part of the screen.

  5. Select the configuration stores for which you want to execute a configuration check and choose Create Target System with Selected Stores.

    You can search for configuration stores and filter the display. If, for example, you only want to display ABAP configuration stores, enter ABAP in the Name column and confirm.

  6. Enter an ID and a description for the target system and choose Save.

  7. Choose Edit to edit the target system you just created and define the target configuration.

  8. Enter the SID of the target system that you want to edit or display all target systems or only a defined selection.

  9. Choose the desired target system.

    The configuration stores of the system are displayed.

  10. Select a configuration store.

    The configuration elements of the configuration store are displayed in the lower part of the screen. You now have the following options:

    • You can use operators to define the target configuration of the target system. You can obtain information about the various operators by clicking the Display Compliance Key button.

    • You can remove individual configuration elements from the list. No configuration check is performed for these configuration elements.

    • You can add additional configuration elements and then edit these.

    The pushbuttons offer additional editing options.

    Note Note

    The content of the table depends on the type of the configuration store, which also affects which data you can edit.

    End of the note.
  11. In the Test column, choose the icon to check whether the entered values for the configuration check are valid.

  12. Choose Save.

Creating a Target System from a Template
  1. Execute steps 1-4 of the procedure for creating a new target system.

  2. Choose Create Target System from Template.

  3. Enter the name of the target system.

  4. Choose a template and choose Create.

    The configuration stores that the template contains are now automatically copied from the system you selected.

  5. Continue with step 7 of the procedure for creating a new target system.