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Function documentationConfiguration Check Locate this document in the navigation structure


A configuration check enables you to determine whether the systems in your landscape are configured consistently and in accordance with your requirements. You can check the current configuration of a system in your landscape using a defined target state (target system) or compare it with an existing system. You can execute checks that answer the following questions, for example:

  • Have all transports from the development system arrived in the production system?

  • How long did a particular transport from the development system to the production system take after it was released?

  • Were particular notes imported into the production system?

  • Were the desired security settings performed in the production system?


The Change Reporting function forms the basis of the configuration check. For more information, see Change Reporting.


For information about the prerequisites for using the configuration check, see SAP Note 1478974.


  • Defining a reference system

    The reference system contains the target configuration data that is compared with actual data. A reference system can be a user-defined target system or an existing system.

    • Creating a target system: You can use the configuration data from existing systems, which is extracted from the managed systems and stored in the configuration and change database. You augment the target configuration data of the target system with operators in the configuration check application. The target system is stored along with its target configuration data in a separate table. For more information, see Creating Target Systems.

      Note Note

      Changes to the original configuration data of the target system are not recorded.

      End of the note.
    • Using an existing system: The saved configuration data of an existing system is used in the reference system.

  • Editing configuration data

    When you create the target system, you can precisely specify the desired configuration data using operators. You can obtain information about the various operators by clicking the Display Compliance Key button.

  • Defining comparison lists

    If you want to compare reference systems with your existing systems on a regular basis, you can define comparison lists. These contain all comparison systems that are available for the configuration check. This makes it unnecessary to select individual systems each time you execute a configuration check; instead, you can use the list of comparison systems. You can define a new comparison list or modify an existing one.

    For more information, see Creating Comparison Lists.

  • Executing the check report

    After defining the reference system and (optionally) a comparison list, you can execute the configuration check report. Various report options are available.

    The system evaluates the configuration elements of the comparison systems with the corresponding elements of the target systems using the operators defined there. The check is carried out for each configuration element. If the element value of the comparison system fulfills the condition of the operator defined in the target system, the configuration element is evaluated as compliant.

    If even a single element in a configuration store is not compliant, the entire configuration store is evaluated as non-compliant. The same applies to a system: If even a single element in a configuration store is not compliant, the entire system is evaluated as non-compliant.

    For more information, see Executing Reports.


You execute the following steps as part of the configuration check:

  1. Call the configuration check using the Change Management Work Center under Related Links

  2. Define a reference system

  3. Define a comparison list

  4. Execute the check report and select the desired report variant

  5. Adapt the report output to your requirements