The security overview app provides an overview of security-compliant systems with percentage data.
This app is displayed in the Security Dashboard. The data from this app comes from the systems in your system landscape.
For more information on creating target systems, see Creating Target Systems.
When you call the dashboard, all of the dashboard apps are initially minimized. To display an app full-screen, double-click it. Then open the Cross-Application node and select the desired Security app. After this, proceed as follows:
Press the Add New App button.
Open the Cross-Application node, select the Overview Security app and press OK.
The app displays. Here you can specify which data you want to display. To run the app, proceed as follows:
In the Header field, you can change the default name as desired.
Select a target system for evaluation.
Select the desired comparison systems from the list of available systems using the Add button.
Click the Apply Selection button to fill the app with your selection data. You can click the Apply or the Preview button. If you click the Preview button, the security compliance data is displayed, but not in a separate window.
If you click the Apply button, the app displays in a separate window, with the following data:
Compliance of systems: Here you can see which systems are compliant (green), non-compliant (red) or undefined (gray).
Target system, evaluated systems: All systems in the app are listed, with the total number of evaluated systems.
Earliest timestamp: This is related to the configuration store (“config store”) whose validity has the earliest timestamp. The configuration store is a part of the configuration and change database (CCDB) that contains all configuration details. There are different types of configuration stores, which depend on the data they contain, for example, in .xml format, .txt files, .ini files, property files, ABAP tables, or events (ABAP transport requests).
The timestamp has the following format: YYYY/MM/DD/hh/mm/ss
“No Data” means that at least one config store did not deliver such a timestamp, or that the config store was empty.
From here you can do the following:
Return to the previous screen by pressing the Edit button.
Copy the app by pressing the Copy button. After you press Apply, the app is copied and displays twice. You can then press Edit and make changes to one of the apps if necessary.
Remove the app from the dashboard by clicking Remove.
After running the evaluation, click the Save Dashboard button to save the app in the Security dashboard.