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 Planned Modification


In inventory management, a planned modification is modeled using two reservations with different MPIs (the two material numbers are used to make sure that inventory and planning processes accurately reflect the correct material).

The two materials are stored as components for the external operation, one with the MPI set to S (the old part shipped to the subcontractor (main component)) and one with the MPI set to X (the new part received from the subcontractor).

The component material number is also reflected in the refurbishment order header material number (AFPO).

When there are multiple external operations, the last one uses the 262/101 movement types and posts the part back to stock.

The planned material change is supported for both internal and external operations.

Complete Subcontracting with No Internal Operations

A planned modification at order level (this case) should already be initiated by the user when the refurbishment order is created. It is therefore possible to specify a From and To material number on the selection screen of the refurbishment order creation transaction ( IW81 ).

  1. The system transfers these two distinct material numbers instantly into the corresponding fields of the order header and main component reservation.

  2. The difference to the standard process is that the refurbishment order stores information about the original material number ( From ) and the planned, new (modified) material number ( To ) in the order during creation.

  3. The order header element that is visible in planning as replenishment element will be for the new material number ( To ). The final goods receipt from the subcontracting order (movement type 101) is also for this material. The old material number ( From ) is the one shipped to the subcontractor as component and is consumed on the subcontractor side eventually.

  4. After you have entered the two material numbers on the selection screen, you must manually convert the (default) internal operation into an external operation. In addition, you can manually enter additional components for the external operation with MPI X if necessary. This means that the generation of the main component for the first operation happens automatically and the second component is entered manually. The old material S is stored in the reservations table RESB and the new material X is stored in table AFPO.

    Note Note

    When a planned scenario is initiated from the startup screen, both components S and X are generated automatically.

    End of the note.
  5. After the subcontracting receipt (101), the new part is still not physically in the inventory (consumption posting to account assignment). Goods movement 101 with reference to the refurbishment order is triggered in the background to close the refurbishment order and put the new part into inventory.

Partial Subcontracting at Operation Level
  1. The refurbishment order is used to generate subcontracting purchase requisition exactly as in a normal plant maintenance order scenario.

    The difference to the complete subcontracting variant without internal activities is that a planned modification can technically happen during the internal or external work and in any given operation of the order. However it is not possible for the subcontractor and the customer to modify the material during the same refurbishment process, therefore only one planned modification is possible within one refurbishment order.

  2. The external planned modification is controlled by the material provisioning indicator (MPI) at component level in the same way as the complete subcontracting variant.

  3. For an internal operation with a planned material number exchange, you can use the two components/reservations that need to be created anyway and store the different material numbers there. The old material will be assigned to the reservation with the 261 (or 313) movement, the new material to the one with the 262 (or 314).

  4. In contrast to the scenario Complete Subcontracting with No Internal Operations where the user specifies the ‘ From ’ and ‘ To ’ material on the selection screen, here the user must manually check the components and the corresponding MPIs on the Component screen. The system automatically creates a planned material exchange for the header component only. If the planned material exchange is however to happen in an internal or external operation after the first operation, the user must manually create the corresponding components.

  5. The user must manually create each additional operation after the first one. If the material change has happened in an operation other than the last one of the order, you must set up the following operations using the planned new material number. The system automatically uses the new number for all reservations for the follow-up operations after an operation with a planned material exchange.

  6. The above logic for planned modifications is based on the standard movement types 261/101. If the material change happens during an internal operation configured for the transfer movement types 313/315, the system automatically triggers a 309 material transfer movement as a subsequent adjustment in the same step as the 315 goods movement posting by the user. The old material is moved back from transit stock or blocked stock (special stock scenario) into normal stock first, then the 309 goods movement reposts it to the new material number.