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 Tools for Interactive Planning


The following tools, which contain tool-specific planning functions, are available in interactive planning to display the various views of the planning.




Requirements View

Requirements elements for selected location products

Universal for product and order-related planning

These views belong to the order view. You can navigate between the individual views.

Receipts View

Receipt elements for selected location products

Product View

Requirements/stock situation for a location product

In the product view you can call up push production to create orders that consume surplus raw materials.

Order Processing View

Order and data from the order environment, for example, the pegging structure in an Order

Product Overview

Overview of the planning situation of multiple products

The product overview is integrated into the product planning table.

Mass transaction and fast access to planning

Product Planning Table

Requirements/stock situation of a location product and occupation of production lines.

Especially suitable for repetitive manufacturing

Detailed Scheduling Planning Board

Gantt charts that show the time position of activities, operations and orders on the resources.

The detailed scheduling planning board is integrated in the order processing view and in the product planning board.

Interactive detailed scheduling

Resource Planning Table

Display in table form of the capacity utilization of a resource

Interactive detailed scheduling

Campaign Transaction

Production campaigns

Process industry