Use this window to define the fiscal IDs of the company.
To open this window, do one of the following:
Choose (Browse) for Fiscal IDs.
Choose (Browse) for Fiscal IDs.
Specify the CNAE code.
This field does not appear in the Fiscal IDs window for marketing documents. End of the note. |
Specify the 14-digit Cadastro Nacional de Pessoas Jurídicas (CNPJ) number of the company using the format in this example: 54.651.716/0011-50 Duplicated CNPJs are not allowed in SAP Business One. For example, you can not create two customers with the same CNPJ 54.651.716/0011-50. But you can create a vendor and a customer with the same CNPJ. For example, you create a vendor with CNPJ 54.651.716/0011-50 and a customer with the same CNPJ 54.651.716/0011-50. |
Specify the company Inscrição Estadual (I.E.) number. |
Displays Isento in the I.E. field.
Selecting this option disables the I.E. field. End of the note. |
Specify the companyInscrição Estadual Substituto Tributário (I.E.S.T.) number. |
Specify the company Inscrição Municipal (I.M.) number. |
Specify the 11-digit Cadastro de Pessoas Físicas (CPF) number of the company using the format in the example: 163.709.278-48. Duplicated CPFs are not allowed in SAP Business One. For example, you can not create two customers with the same CPF 02.808.708/0001–07. But you can create a vendor with the same CPF. For example, you create a vendor with CPF 163.709.278 - 48 and a customers with the same CPF 163.709.278 - 48. |
Specify the foreigner ID. |
Provide the foreigner description. |
Specify the Instituto Nacional do Seguro Social - Fonte (INSS) inscription. |
Specify the Suframa. |
A newly created marketing document contains the same fiscal ID data as that found in