Use this tab to specify purchasing information for G/L account determination.
To access this tab, choose
.Opens the Control Accounts – Accounts Payable window, in which you can set the controlling account for outgoing payments. |
Select if you want to assign different control accounts to different vendors. You assign control accounts to each vendor in the Business Partner Master Data window. If you do not select this option, the control accounts defined in the Control Accounts – Accounts Payable window are used for all vendors. |
Define the respective accounts for posting purchases to domestic, EU, or other foreign vendors. SAP Business One posts all purchases from vendors to this collective account, making your current total purchases available at any time. |
Select accounts to use as default accounts for journal entries created to reflect loss and gain caused by exchange rate differences in purchase transactions. |
Select accounts to use as default accounts for journal entries created to reflect loss and gain caused by conversion differences in purchase transactions.
The fields are available only if the system currency is different from the local currency. End of the note. |
Define a default account to use when paying by bank transfer. |
Define an account to use as default when a cash discount is used. |
Define an account to use as the clearing account when a cash discount is used. |
Define accounts to use as default expense accounts:
Select a control account to use as the default when a credit transaction for purchasing is created, for example, an A/P credit memo. |
Select a control account to be used as the default when a credit transaction for purchasing is created for foreign vendors. |
Select a control account to use as the default when a credit transaction for purchasing is created for vendors from the European Union. |
Define these accounts if you want SAP Business One to handle cases in which the outgoing payment amount is slightly different from the A/P invoice(s) amount paid. SAP Business One compares the amount paid to the amount due, and if the difference is less than the amount defined in the Outgoing Amt Diff. Allowed or Outgoing % Diff. Allowed field of the Currencies - Setup window under , the application automatically creates the appropriate transaction. |
Select a G/L account to use as the default clearing account when adding an A/P down payment invoice. You cannot select G/L accounts defined as control accounts.
For China, Japan, and Korea, this field is not available for users using a new database. End of the note. |
Define a variance G/L account for the clearing journal entries generated by A/P credit memos which are based on A/P invoices with a change in price or freight charges. |
Optionally, specify other payable accounts. |
Select a tax code to use as the default tax code when creating a new vendor. Only valid A/P tax codes are available in this field. |
Select the withholding tax code to use as the default withholding VAT tax code for new vendors. |
Select the withholding income tax code to use as the default for new vendors who are marked as liable to withholding tax |
Specify a default account to be used when posting A/P down payment invoices. You cannot select G/L accounts marked as Control Account in the chart of accounts.
In Brazil localization, you do not need to specify the CFOP field for down payment invoices. End of the note. |
Specify a name for each index. |
The company maintains withholding tax for purchasing. |
Define the withholding tax code to use as the default for new vendors. This field appears only if Withholding Tax is selected. |
Define a default tax group to use when creating a purchasing transaction of items or services |
Select a default G/L account to use when creating an outgoing payment based on an A/P down payment request.
This field is not available for China, Japan and Korea. End of the note. |
When you post CENVAT for capital goods in an A/P invoice, the amount of set percentage is posted into an On Hold account. The default value for this field is 50. |
The CENVAT in an On Hold account is posted separately by tax type. The material type is Capital Goods by default and is not editable.
End of the note. |