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Object documentationBranches - Setup Window: Brazil Locate this document in the navigation structure


In this window, the following fields are mandatory:

  • Branch Name

  • Default Warehouse ID

  • Country

Branch Name

Specify the branch name.


Specify the fourteen-digit Cadastro Nacional de Pessoas Jurídicas (CNPJ) number of the branch, using the format:<54.654.716/0011-50> .

Note Note

After adding any transaction for a branch, you cannot edit the CNPJ field for that branch.

End of the note.
Rep. Name

Specify the representative name of the branch.


Specify the type of industry in which the branch engages.


Specify the type of business in which the branch deals.


Displays the address of the branch.

Main Branch

Select the checkbox to set the branch as the main branch. Each company can have only one main branch.

Tax Office No.

Specify the number of the tax office to which the branch reports taxes.


Select the checkbox to disable the branch.

Default Customer ID, Default Vendor ID, Default Warehouse ID

Defines a default customer, default vendor, default warehouse for the branch.

Note Note

  • Specifying a default customer, vendor, or warehouse does not mean the system automatically assigns the customer, vendor, or warehouse to the branch.

  • To perform the centralized payments, you must define the default customer and vendor for the branch. Additionally, the default customer and vendor must be assigned to all involved branches.

End of the note.
CANE Code, CANE Description

Specify the Classificação Nacional de Atividades Econômicas (CANE) code of the branch. The description of the selected CANE code is displayed accordingly.


Specify the eleven-digit Cadastro de Pessoas Físicas (CPF) of the branch, using the format: <163.709.278-48>.

Default State, Default I.E.

Displays the default Inscrição Estadual (I.E.) number and its corresponding state of the branch.

I.E. Exempt

Select the checkbox to disable the Default I.E. field and fill the field with the word Isento (exempt).


Specify the Inscrição Estadual Substituto Tributário (I.E.S.T.) number of the branch.

I. M.

Specify the municipal tax ID number.

Nature of Company

Select the type of the business entity for the branch, including how its profits are shared.

Economic Activity Type

Select the nature of the business in which the branch deals.

Credit Contribution Origin

Select the way in which transactions are reported, whether document by document or collectively, with multiple documents submitted at the same time.

IPI Period

Select the frequency of the IPI tax collection from the company.

Cooperative Association Type

Select the type of association the company joins.

Profit Taxation

Select the way in which to calculate the taxation from the profit.

Payment Clearing Account

Specify the payment clearing account for the branch.

Note Note

All the branches share the same payment clearing account. The specified payment clearing account is used for centralized payments across branches.

End of the note.
Branch I.E. Numbers

Lets you open the Branch I.E. Numbers – Setup window. Specify the relevant I.E. information in this window. If not specified otherwise, the system takes the Destination State and I.E. Number in the first row of this window as defaults.

Branch Tributary Info.

Lets you open the Branch Tributary Info. – Setup window. Specify the relevant tributary information in this window.

More Information

Defining Branches: Brazil