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Object documentationGoods Receipt Window Locate this document in the navigation structure


Use this window to create goods receipts.

To open the window, from the SAP Business One Main Menu, choose   Inventory   Inventory Transactions   Goods Receipt  .

Note Note

This topic documents fields and other elements in this window that either are not self-explanatory or require additional information.

End of the note.
Goods Receipt Fields

Displays the number of the goods receipt document. The system assigns the numbers automatically and consecutively according to the selected series. You cannot change this number.


Select the series to be used for automatic number assignment.

Price List

Select a price list for the items. When the item is entered, the default price is taken from the selected price list.

Revenue Account

Enter the revenue account to which this goods receipt is to be posted.

Posting Date

Specify the posting date. The default value for this field is the current date on which the goods receipt is created. If required, change the date.

Document Date

Specify the document date. The default value for this field is the current date on which the goods receipt is created. If required, change the date.

Ref 2

Enter a reference for the journal entry, if required.


Enter your own text to describe the goods receipt if necessary.

Journal Remark

Enter your own text to describe the goods receipt. This text is copied when the goods receipt is posted in Accounting.


Enter the quantity of the item to be entered into inventory in the warehouse.

Unit Price

The system automatically copies the price of the item from the price list, on the basis of the price list selected in the general area of this window.

You can manually change the price here.

Inventory Offset - Increase Account

Enter the revenue account to which this goods receipt is to be posted.


The system calculates the total amount for an item and the total document from the specified price and the quantity of goods received. The document total is displayed below the column even if not all rows of the goods receipt are visible (because the list is too long to fit into the window).

Bin Location Allocation

Note Note

The field is available only if you have enabled bin locations for at least one warehouse.

If you have not enabled bin locations for the warehouse you specified in the document row, this field is blank and not editable.

End of the note.

Displays how many items are allocated to bin locations. You must allocate the same quantity of an item to bin locations as the quantity you specified in the document row; otherwise, the field is marked in red and you cannot add the document.

To manually allocate items to bin locations, click Link Arrow (Link Arrow) to open one of the following windows:

Once the document is added, choosing the link arrow in this field opens Inventory Posting List.

Inventory UoM

Define whether the quantity displayed in the Items per Unit field is a single item unit as follows:

  • No – If you specified a purchasing unit of measure for the item on the Purchasing Data tab in the Item Master Data window that is other than 1, the number of item units received in the warehouse equals the number specified in the Quantity field, multiplied by the Items per Units value.

    Example Example

    Quantity x Items per Unit = Qty (Inventory UoM).

    End of the example.
  • Yes – The default value. The number of item units received in the warehouse equals the number specified in the Quantity or Qty (Inventory UoM) field. The Items per Unit value is 1.

    Example Example

    Quantity x 1 (Items per Unit) = Qty (Inventory UoM).

    End of the example.
UoM Name

When a UoM code is specified, SAP Business One takes the corresponding UoM name from the UoM setup.

You can edit this field only when the UoM group of an item is Manual.

Distr. Rule

If required, specify a distribution rule for the row.

Items per Unit

The number of items defined for the selected unit of measure.

To set default values for the following fields, click Form Settings (Form Settings) in the SAP Business One toolbar.

Form Settings, Document Tab Fields

Enter the warehouse to be displayed for each row of the goods receipt. The system displays the default warehouse.

You can overwrite the entry in each row in the line information.

Discount %

Enter the discount to be calculated for the items at goods receipt. You can overwrite the entry in each row in the line information.


Assign goods receipts to a project defined in the system. You can overwrite the entry in each row in the line information.

Country-Specific Field: Chile
Folio Number

Specify the Folio number for the document. You can edit this field at any time.

Country-Specific Field: India
Seq. Name

Specify a sequence from the dropdown list. The system generates the sequence automatically.

Note Note

This field appears only for documents that are assigned a sequence.

End of the note.

Specify a location for the item:

  • For item type, you may not choose a location whose value comes from the location of the item's warehouse.

    One document can contain items stored in multiple warehouses, as long as these warehouses are within the same location.

  • For service type, you must choose a location; the default value comes from the Sequence Name field.

Note Note

If you change a location, a non binding warning message is displayed.

You cannot change a location after a relevant, final accounting document, such as an A/R invoice, is created.

End of the note.
RG23A Part I Number, RG23C Part I Number

Specify the RG23A Part I Number, and the RG23C Part I Number.

More Information

Goods Receipt