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Object documentationProduction Order Window: Summary Tab Locate this document in the navigation structure


The Summary tab displays information about the released and closed production orders.

To access the tab, choose   Production   Production Order   Summary  .

Upon the completion of a production order, on the Summary tab, you can observe the product cost for this production order. The product cost is calculated both from the completed product perspective (the Actual Product Cost field), and the consumed component perspective (the Actual Component Cost field and the Actual Additional Cost field). The variance of the cost is displayed in the Total Variance field.

Note Note

This topic documents fields and other elements in this window that either are not self-explanatory or require additional information.

End of the note.
Production Order Summary Fields
Actual Component Cost

Total value of all component items (not including non-inventory components) issued for the production order.

Actual component cost = Cost per component * Component issued quantity

The field is updated on production completion.

Actual Additional Cost

Total value of all non-inventory component items, for example, a service or labor cost.

The field is updated on production completion.

Actual Product Cost

Total value of all products (the completed parent items) received from the completed product order.

Actual product cost = Cost per component * Expected component usage quantity

The calculation of expected component usage quantity is based on the completed products, which may be equal to or different from the component issued quantity for the product order. When the two quantities are different, the variance appears.

Expected component usage quantity = Planned component quantity * (Actual parent completed quantity / Planned parent quantity)

Example Example

Take the following data for example, you can observe the difference in calculating the Actual Product Cost and the Actual Component Cost.

Parent Item Produced Quantity

Component Item Issued Quantity

Planned Quantity



Actual Quantity



The cost per component is 100. According to the table above:

  • Actual Component Cost = 100 * 40 = 4000

    This value is removed from inventory in respect of the component items consumed in the production.

  • Actual Product Cost = 100 * [40.95 * (30166 / 31500)] = 3921.58

    This value enters into the inventory in respect of the parent items produced in the production.

End of the example.
Total Variance

Displays the difference between product cost and component cost.

Total variance = Actual product cost - Actual component cost

The field is updated on production completion.

Variance Per Product

Displays the total variance divided by (quantity completed + quantity rejected).

Variance %

Displays the percentage of the variance per product value.

Journal Remark

Displays the product number, by default. The value is saved in the General Ledger and is displayed in the General Ledger transactions and reports. You can modify the value of the field.

Relevant for companies that use perpetual inventory management.

Companies that do not use perpetual inventory have no General Ledger transactions.

Planned Quantity

Total planned quantity of the production order.

Completed Quantity

Displays the total quantity reported as completed.

Rejected Quantity

Total quantity rejected in the Production Order.

Due Date

Displays the due date of the Production Order.

Actual Closing Date

Enter the date on which the Production Order was closed.

By default, the system sets this date to the system date.


Number of days by which the actual close date was overdue.


Enter any additional information regarding the production order.

More Information

Production Order Window