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Object documentationOutgoing Payments: Vendor & Customer Locate this document in the navigation structure


The following fields appear in the general area of the Outgoing Payments window.

To open the window, choose   Banking   Outgoing Payments   Outgoing Payments  , and select Vendor or Customer.

Note Note

This topic documents fields and other elements in this window that either are not self-explanatory or require additional information.

End of the note.
General Area

Business partner's name. Press CTRL + TAB to move to the next field.

Pay to

Default pay to address defined for the business partner. Change it if required. If you choose the option Bank, the bank details defined for the business partner appears.

Contact Person

Default contact person defined for the business partner. Change it if required.


To relate the outgoing payment to a specific project, specify the required project.

Display Invoices with Matching Billing Address/Bank

Displays in the table only invoices with pay to address/bank details identical to the address/bank selected in the Pay To field.

Only available when the outgoing payment is created for a vendor.


Default numbering series and current number of the outgoing payment in the default numbering series. Specify another series if required.

Posting Date, Document Date

Current date by default. Change it if required.

Due Date

By default, the current date, which will be the due date of the business partner row in the journal entry created by the document.

Note Note

When you enter the details of the payment means in the Payment Means window, and return to the Outgoing Payment window, this field is updated with the weighted average of the due dates defined for the payment means.

End of the note.

If required, you can change the date before you add the document.


Specify another reference for this document if required.

Transaction No.

Number of the journal entry created by this document. The number appears when you have added the outgoing payment.

Pro Forma

Relevant for vendor only.

Indicates that the outgoing payment is created as down payment.


Enter any remarks about this outgoing payment.

Journal Remarks

Enter the details to be displayed in the Remarks field of the journal entry. By default, the text: Outgoing – <business partner code> appears.

Note Note

If the outgoing payment has been generated by the payment wizard, the default display is Outgoing Payments - <business partner code> — <payment run name>.

The payment run name is copied from the Payment Wizard, General Parameters window.

End of the note.
Control Account

Specify the control account for the outgoing payment. The control account affects only the amount that is not based on the invoice in the journal entry of the payment. The default account varies according to your selection of documents.

  • If you have not selected any invoice or, if the first document that you have selected is a manual journal entry, the default control account is the one set in the business partner master data.

  • If you have selected invoices, the default control account is that of the first invoice you have selected.

Created by Payment Wizard

Indicates whether the outgoing payments were created through the payment wizard or not. Only applicable for vendors. You cannot edit it.

Payment on Account

Creates an outgoing payment not based on any transaction or document appearing in the table. When you select this option, the Control Account field appears where you can specify the control account for the outgoing payment.

Note Note

When a payment on account is included in a payment order run, you cannot cancel it.

End of the note.
Amount Due (FC), Amount Due (LC)

Total amount to be paid through this document, in foreign and local currency.

Add in Sequence

If the payment is not against specific documents/transactions, closes documents/transactions according to their display order in the table.

Available only when the outgoing payment is created for a vendor.

Note Note

This field is not available in Brazil localization.

End of the note.
Country-Specific Fields: Europe
WTax Code

If the outgoing payment is not against a specific document/transaction, specify the relevant withholding tax code.

Only available if Withholding Tax is selected in   Administration   Setup   Financials     G/L Account Determination   Purchasing   Tax   and if the following conditions are met:

  • Payment on Account is selected in the Outgoing Payment window.

  • The business partner is defined as subject to withholding tax.

  • At least one withholding tax code of type Payment is linked to the business partner.

WTax Base Sum

Amount of the payment that will be considered as the base amount for the calculation of the withholding tax amount.

Tax Code

If the outgoing payment is not against a specific document/transaction, specify the relevant tax code.

Only available if the option Payment on Account is selected in the Outgoing Payment window.


Tax amount according to the tax code specified in the Tax Code field.

WTax Amount

Withholding tax amount for the outgoing payment.

Country-Specific Fields: Belgium, Denmark, Finland, Norway & Sweden
Payment Reference No.

Specify an invoice reference number.

Country-Specific Fields: India
Seq. Name

Specify a sequence from the drop-down list. The system generates the sequence automatically.

Note Note

This field appears only for documents that are assigned a sequence.

End of the note.
Country-Specific Fields: Brazil

Select a branch from which you want to choose a customer/vendor.

Note Note

This field is available only if you have enabled multiple branches.

End of the note.
Accumulated Payment

Displays the accumulated payment amount for the vendor in the posting month.

Only payments on regular invoices are calculated in an accumulative amount. Other transactions, such as journal entry, down payment invoice, or credit memo are not considered.

WTax Amount

Displays the on-hold WTax amount related to the accumulated payment.

Country-Specific Fields: Italy

Choose the CIG and CUP codes in the lists for the payment.

More Information

Outgoing Payments