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Object documentationBill of Materials Window Locate this document in the navigation structure


In this window you can view, add, and modify a multilevel bill of materials.

To open the window, from the SAP Business One Main Menu, choose   Production   Bill of Materials  .

General Area Fields
Product No.

Specify the number of the finished product (parent item) or sub-assembly.

Product Description

The product description as specified in Item Master Data window.

BOM Type

Choose a type for the bill of materials. The values are:

  • Assembly

  • Sales

  • Production (default)

  • Template


Specify the quantity or amount of the parent item that you create from the bill of materials components. For production bill of materials, the default value is 1, but if you have a formulation that results in a predefined quantity of product, that quantity must be entered here.


Specify the warehouse code, to which the finished product is taken. This will be the default in the production order, but it can be changed if required.

Price List

Specify the price list for the parent and child items.

Note Note

When working with a perpetual inventory system, the price list of a production bill of materials is relevant only for sales documents. In sales documents, the item price of the Sales and Assembly BOM is determined by the customer price list and not by the BOM definition.

End of the note.
Distr. Rule

Specify the distribution rule that you want to link to the bill of materials.


Specify the project that you want to relate to the bill of materials.

Table Fields
Item No.

Specify the components for the bill of materials. These components can be non-inventory items as well as conventional materials and components. For example, you may want to add a labor and/or overhead item with a unit of measure in hours.

Note Note

If the BOM contains more than one component with the same serial or batch items, combine the items in a single component with the appropriate increased quantity. This will prevent possible errors in the batch or serial quantities.

End of the note.

Specify the quantity of the child items required to make the quantity of the parent. The quantity will be one of the following:

  • Integer quantity for discrete components like fasteners or piece-parts.

  • Decimal quantity for materials in continuous measure, such as meters of cable, or liters of lubricant


Displays the unit of measure for each component, for example, box, meter, kg. The value is defined in the item master data.


The warehouse from which the child item is issued. When adding an item to the table, the default warehouse that is defined in the Item Master Data window is displayed. If required, you can specify a different warehouse.

Note Note

If no default is defined in the item master data for the child items, the child items are issued from the default warehouse that is defined in the General Settings window, on the Inventory tab, on the Items subtab.

End of the note.

For more information, see Item Master Data: Inventory Data Tab and General Settings: Inventory Tab.

Issue Method

Choose one of the following issue methods:

  • Backflush - child items are automatically issued to the production order, once you report the completion of the parent item.

  • Manual - child items are manually issued to the production order

Note Note

The default is derived from the value in the Item Master Data, but can be overridden for any particular bill of materials. An exception to this is for serial and batch controlled Items, which must be issued manually.

End of the note.

This field is relevant only for a production bill of materials.

Price List

Specify the relevant price list for each child item. If the item has a price in the list, it appears in the unit price column.

Unit Price

To override the child item price in the price list, specify a new price. This price is valid only for the bill of materials. It does not update the price specified originally in the price list.

Note Note

In a production bill of materials, the prices are for nonperpetual inventory only. If you are working with perpetual inventory, the price is taken from the inventory cost.

End of the note.

Caution Caution

When you update the unit price in a production bill of materials, make sure that no one else is working on the BOM at the same time. This can lead to errors in the cost calculations.

End of the caution.

The total price for the child items, calculated according to the price lists. This can be used to determine the price of the parent item.


Enter additional information about each of the components.

Product Price

Updates the price list field in the general area and, as a result, the price list itself. The value of the field is the total price of the components for the parent quantity in the bill of materials header. While defining a new bill of materials, you can determine that the parent item price will be calculated according to the total price of its child items. Choose Display (Display) to copy the total price of the child items to the parent item price list. You can also change the parent item price manually.

Note Note

You can use the Update Parent Item Prices Globally window to update this price in existing bills of material.

End of the note.

Specify the project that you want to relate to each item.

Country-Specific Field: India
Principal Input

Select to indicate that the cost of the child item constitutes the main part of the cost of the parent item.

Note Note

This checkbox appears only when:

  • The type of the bill of materials is Production

  • The parent item of the bill of materials is marked as Excisable

End of the note.

Note Note

This checkbox is editable only for excisable items.

End of the note.