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Function documentationCIG Codes and CUP Codes: Italy Locate this document in the navigation structure


To fight against potential corruption in the public procurement market, SAP Business One companies located in Italy are obliged to trace payments that are related to public procurements and whose total amount exceeds 1,500 EUR by using CIG - Codice Identificativo Gara (contract code identification), and CUP - Codice Unico di Progetto (unique code of project).

It is mandatory when the company signs public works or public supply contracts. For all contracts stipulated after September 7, 2010, the due date is September 7, 2010; for all contracts stipulated before September 7, 2010, the due date is June 17, 2011.

For omitted communication of these two codes, the administrative penalty is between 500 EUR and 3,000 EUR.

You cannot delete or update CIG or CUP codes that are in use.

To access the windows, choose   Administration   Setup   Financials   CIG Codes or CUP Codes  .