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Object documentationForecasts Window Locate this document in the navigation structure


Use this window to create and maintain forecasts for items. For more information about how to create and maintain forecasts, see Managing Forecasts.

To open the window, choose   MRP   Forecasts  .

Note Note

This topic documents fields and other elements in this window that either are not self-explanatory or require additional information.

End of the note.
Forecasts Window Fields
Forecast Code, Forecast Name

Specify code and meaningful name for the forecast.

Start Date, End Date

Specify the period to which the forecasts is related. The date range is automatically adjusted according to the specified View.

Example Example

The value in the View field is Daily, you specify a date range of 10 days, then, you change the View to Weekly. The date range is automatically updated to cover two whole weeks.

End of the example.

Example Example

You enter March 4, 2011 as the start date and March 15 as the end date with the field View elected as Monthly. SAP Business One changes the two dates automatically to the beginning of the month, March 1, 2011 and the end of the month, March 31, 2011.

End of the example.

Select the view in which you want to manage the forecast. Each view defines a time-bucket resolution by which the forecast is managed. The values are:

  • Daily

    Select this option to divide the forecast into days. When you select this option, SAP Business One displays a column for each day in the selected date range.

  • Weekly

    Select this option to divide the forecast into weeks. If you select this option, SAP Business One displays the week number as the column's name (52 weeks in a year). MRP considers the weekly requirement as falling on the first day of each week.

    Note Note

    The weekly numbering definition and weekend definition may affect the week numbers and the first day of the week. To maintain the definitions, choose   Administration   System Initialization   Company Details   Accounting Data   Holidays   Holiday Dates  . For more information, see the Holiday Dates Window.

    End of the note.
  • Monthly

    Select this option to divide the forecast into months. When you select this option, SAP Business One displays the name of the month as the column's name. MRP considers the monthly requirement as falling on the first day of the month.

Quantity Per Period

Enter the quantity of the forecast item in each period for which demand has been forecast.

Forecast Quantity Adjustment

Adjusts forecast quantities by a defined percentage.

To do so, proceed as follows:

  1. Select one or more rows in the table for which you are going to adjust the quantities.

  2. To adjust the percentage, you can:

    • Use Scale Forecast Quantity Up (Scale Forecast Quantity Up) button and Scale Forecast Quantity Down (Scale Forecast Quantity Down) to increase or decrease target quantities by multiples of 5.

    • Enter a number and copy to the field.

    Note Note

    Negative figures are not supported. If the decrement falls below 0, then 0 is displayed.

    End of the note.
Sales UoM

Displays the sales UoM of this item as defined in the item master data. By default, this column is not displayed. To display this column, click Form Settings (Form Settings) in the toolbar.

To view the definitions of Sales UoM and Items per Sales Unit, choose   Inventory   Item Master Data   Sales Data  .

To convert the forecast screen data to inventory quantities, multiply the forecast data by the value in the Items per Sales Unit field.

Example Example

You set the Items per Sales Unit to 5 for item A001, and the quantity entered into the item forecast for a specific day is 10. If this forecast is included in the MRP calculation, it will add a demand of 5 x 10 = 50 items to the total demand for that specific day.

End of the example.

Note Note

Sales orders may have different Items per Sales Unit definitions. Therefore, when consuming a forecast using sales orders in an MRP run, the application converts sales order quantities based on the same definition of Items per Sales Unit as the forecast before actually consuming the forecast.

End of the note.

To select additional fields, such as Item Group and Sales UoM, click Form Settings (Form Settings) in the toolbar. You can also choose to display the column headers for the MRP results in an abbreviated or long format.

More Information

Managing Forecasts