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Procedure documentationCreating Incoming Payments for Specific Invoices Locate this document in the navigation structure


The following procedure explains how to create an incoming payment for a customer against a specific invoice(s).


  1. Choose   Banking   Incoming Payments   Incoming Payments  .

    The Incoming Payments window appears.

  2. Choose Customer, and in the Code field, select the required customer code.

    The Documents for Payment table displays all unpaid invoices created for the customer.

  3. Choose the invoice(s) against which the payment is made.

    The cumulative amount of the selected invoices is displayed in the Total Amount Due field.

  4. Specify the required details, and choosePayment Means (Payment Means) to open the Payment Means window.

  5. Select the appropriate payment means tab, and specify the required details.

  6. Choose OK and in the Incoming Payments window, choose Add to add the document to the database.


  • An incoming payment document is created.

  • A journal entry that credits the customer and the tax accounts (if tax is involved), and debits the receivable account, is created.

  • The journal entries of the incoming payments and the paid invoices are reconciled.

  • The paid invoices are closed; they no longer appear in the Open Items list and in the Incoming Payments window as documents for payment.

More Information

Incoming Payments