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Object documentationCustomer Database Profiles


The Customer Database Profile parameters allow you to specify the customer information to be captured at the POS and how the POS processes that information (for example, printing it on the receipt, collecting it in a database, or displaying it on the POS terminal).

Note Note

If Print is checked, for it to have an effect, you must also check Print in the Customer Database Option Maintenance screen. For more information, see Customer Database Option.

End of the note.


Customer Database Profile Settings

Screen Element



Displays the Customer Database Profile Maintenance screen

Customer Database ID

Specifies the next sequential number the system automatically assigns to the database profile definition


Provides a description of the profile

Customer Database Type

Specifies the type of information you want to capture at the POS terminal. This list includes the type you created in Customer Database Types.

Customer Database Option

Specifies the option that defines when you wish the information to be captured at the POS. This list includes the option you created in Customer Database Option.

Enable Third Party Lookup

Allows the use of a Third Party Lookup function to automatically provide customer addresses when new customers are added.

Note Note

At this time, no Third Party Lookup functions have been integrated into SAP POS Store Data Transfer for Retail.

End of the note.


Specifies the customer database source. The following options are available:

  • SAP POS Database: This database resides in the stores back office database

  • External Host: A client specific database not available

  • Allegiance: An Allegiance database

  • Web Database: This indicates that the customer lookup is done via an HTML lookup


Indicates the order of field display in the prompt for customer information.

Field Name

Name of the customer field. This comes from the field name that is dragged from the right side of the screen.


Indicates that this field is displayed to capture information when a new customer is added or customer information is updated. If this setting is disabled, the field is not part of the information fields displayed at the POS.


Prints this field on receipts, and shows it in the journal and on the screen.

Print GiftReceipt

Prints this field on a gift receipt, and shows it in the gift receipt journal.


This option is not implemented


Input/edit mask is to be used when the customer information field is prompted during data entry. The following input/edit masks are supported:

  • Plain ASCII — allows characters in the standard ASCII set only.

  • Currency, Allow Zero — allows standard currency entry.

  • Currency, Non-Zero — allows non-zero standard currency entry.

  • Date — allows date format as defined in Register Parameters

  • Phone Number with () — Phone number format as defined in Register Parameters

  • MMYY — month and year.