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Procedure documentationGeneral Tax Details


Use this procedure to define general details for a tax using the General tab of the Tax window.

  1. Complete the General Options as follows:

    a) Tax Rate: To determine the tax rate that is used to calculate the amount in a basic flat tax, type a percentage using up to three decimal places.

    b) Round Digit: To round up the tax amounts, select All. To set the third decimal place threshold above which the tax amount is rounded up, type or select digit. For example, if the tax amount is calculated at $1.543 and the round digit is 3, the tax amount is rounded up to $1.55. If the round digit is 5, the tax amount is rounded down to $1.54.

    c) Tax Class: To determine how the tax is applied relative to other taxes, select an option.

    d) Min Tax: To set the minimum amount that a transaction subtotal must reach before the tax is applied, type an amount, including decimal places. For example, if a transaction subtotal is $10.99 and the minimum tax amount is $12.00, the tax is not charged.

    e) Tax on Tax: If the tax is calculated based on the transaction subtotal plus the other tax amounts, select this check box. Note that if you have several taxes applied to an item or transaction, only one can be setup to apply tax on tax.

  2. Complete the Tax Threshold details as follows:

    a) Threshold Amount: To set a threshold transaction amount below which the tax is not charged, type an amount, including decimal places.

    b) Use on Item Amount: To apply tax to items with prices exceeding the threshold amount that you define in the Tax Threshold Amount field, select this check box.

    c) Use on Differential: To apply tax to the difference between the threshold amount and the item’s price, select this check box.

    Note Note

    End of the note.

    If you do not select either the Use On Item Amount or Use On Differential check box, the Threshold Amount is applied to the transaction total. The tax is applied to the entire transaction if the transaction amount is higher than the threshold amount.

  3. Complete the VAT details as follows:

    a) Use VAT: To make the tax a value added tax embedded in the items price, select this check box.

    b) Add VAT To Item Price: To make the tax a value added tax that should be embedded in the item’s price and is not, select this check box. When the cashier enters the item into a transaction, the tax amount is calculated and added to the item’s price.

    Note Note

    End of the note.

    To indicate that the tax is a VAT (Value Added Tax), you must select either the Use VAT check box or the Add VAT to Item Price check box.

    c) Sales Report Location: If the tax should not appear on Sales reports, select No Print. If it should appear, to define how information about this VAT tax is presented in Sales reports, select another option.

    d) Print Style: To define what VAT information, if any, is printed on customer receipts, select an option.

  4. Click Save.