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Procedure documentationGenerating Count Sheets


An inventory count sheet is a list of PLUs, descriptions, and blank fields. The store staff can use the sheets to record the quantity of each item as they perform inventory counts. You can enter criteria to determine the PLUs that are included on the count sheet.


In the Configurator, you set parameters that control the display of the In Stock Inventory Count and the Shelf Location. In the Configurator, choose Start of the navigation path Transactions Next navigation step Inventory Next navigation step General Parameters Next navigation step Physical Inventory/ Adjustment End of the navigation path. If these parameters are not set, the corresponding headings are not displayed in the Store Manager.

In the Store Manager, for information on maintaining the shelf location codes see Maintaining Inventory Shelf Location Codes.


To Generate a Count Sheet:

  1. On the Main Menu, click Inventory.

  2. Click Count Sheet or click Physical Inventory and select New .

  3. Enter the criteria for the count sheet into the fields. Different data entry fields appear depending on the product group parameter selected.

    • Product Hierarchy

      Select products by category, group, or department. All of these parameters are defined in the Configurator and should be defined for each PLU.

    • PLU Range

      Specify an accurate range of PLUs.

    • Primary Vendor

      Select by vendor.

    • User Flag 1

      Select preconfigured product flags that have been assigned to PLUs.

    • Shelf Location Range

      Provide the shelf location range.

  4. Select a Product Type.

    You select if the product is inventory controlled or not or you can select all.

  5. Select an Inventory Bucket.

    Select in stock quantity or bucket quantity.

  6. Click Generate Sheet . The Inventory Count Sheet is generated and displayed on your screen.

  7. Click Print . Store Manager prints the count sheet on the default printer.

Note Note

You can also produce a count sheet from the POS register, by using manager code 295. There are some limitations to this, for example you have to scan in quantities.

End of the note.