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Background documentationPurge Schedule


To purge the database, you must execute the TMXPurge program, select the Purge Database menu option, enter the purge date and click Start. This step requires you to remember when to purge data. Users often forget, some of them may ignore it entirely until their hard drives have run out of space. Therefore, to eliminate the need to manually start the purge process, the automated process was added. The purge database program runs in both attended (via TMXPurge) and unattended mode (via Scheduler). To distinguish between the two modes, a parameter is passed into the program.

Purge manually via TMXPurge

Select the Purge Database menu option. Enter the purge dates on the Purge Database window, then click Start.

Purge automatically via the Windows Scheduler

Windows Scheduler Service can execute the purge program by itself. Scheduling data is set up in the Purge Parameters program.