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Object documentationManager POS Functions: General



These options allow you to define and manage basic information for the Manager/POS Functions.


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Store number


Store region


Identifies a manager code. Each specific code has a defined purpose.


Description of the Manager/POS Function

General Options

Screen Element


Keyboard Description

Allows you to associate a manger function with a keyboard description. Keyboard descriptions can be up to 7 characters long and are typically a short form of the manager code description. For example, the manager code 180 has the description Price Override. From this, you might create a keyboard description of PRIOVER. The keyboard description you enter in this field appears on a keyboard key when the manager code 180 is attached to a keyboard. In our example, PRIOVR would appear on a keyboard key when the manager code 180 is attached to a keyboard. For more information, see Keyboards.

Quick Menu

Allows you to add a manager function to a quick menu. Choose the quick menu you want to link this function to from the dropdown list. Leave this field blank if you are using standard menus. For example, you might want to link the manager function Tender Exchange to the Quick Menu CASHMGT. For information on menus, see:

Link Manager Code

Allows you to link manager codes to other manager codes. Choose the code you want to link to from the dropdown list. Existing manager codes can be set to run with the Manager/POS function being created. For example, you can link the existing manager code 201 No Sale to a newly created manager code for a Rain Check.

End Of Transaction Keyboard Description

Allows you to define a specific function to be performed when the cashier presses the Total key at the end of this transaction. Choose the function you want to attach to the Total key from the dropdown list.

End Of Transaction Keyboard ID

Allows you to attach an option to the Total key. Enter the identification number of the option that you want to use. For example, if you attach a profile prompt to the Total key, the identification number represents which profile prompt you want to use.

You can use keys, passwords, manager overrides, and authority levels to control the access to certain manager functions. You define these using the following options:


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Supervisor Key Required

Allows you to require a supervisor key to perform the manager. When set, the supervisor’s key must be turned to the S position on the POS terminal to complete this manager function.

Password Required

Allows you to password protect a manager function. When set, the manager function cannot be performed without entering a password. You assign passwords during Cashier Log In at the POS terminal or Back Office application and also in the employee file in the Configurator.

Allow Manager Override

Allows you to enforce manager overrides. When set, the Supervisor Override (HALO) key can be used to override values generated by this Manager/POS function. For example, a supervisor may want to override a date or a price that is generated by this Manager/POS function.

Dual Sign On

Allows you to require a second employee approval. When set, either another cashier with the appropriate level of authority or a manager must sign on to complete the selected task or function.

Secure Mode

Allows you to set a secure mode for the selected task or function. When set, this feature signs the user off and returns to the sign-on screen at the end of the transaction.

Authority Level

Allows you to set an authority level for the selected task or function. Authority levels can be set so that only cashiers who meet or exceed the minimum required authority level are able to perform the manager function. Authority levels are assigned to cashiers either in the employee file or at the POS during Cashier Log In. Enter an authority level from 1 (lowest) to 5 (highest); use 0 when no authority level is required.


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Use PreDial Strobers

Allows you to define when to dial a credit service during the task or function. You set the dial options by selecting one of the following options:

  • Always

  • At the Beginning

  • Never