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Object documentationenum RFC_RC Locate this document in the navigation structure



Defines RFC API return codes.


Syntax Syntax

  1. typedef enum _RFC_RC
  2. {
  3.     RFC_OK,		          /* OK.                               */
  4.     RFC_FAILURE,                /* Error occurred                     */
  5.     RFC_COMMUNICATION_FAILURE,  /* Error in Network & Communications  */
  6.     RFC_LOGON_FAILURE,          /* SAP logon error */
  7.     RFC_SYSTEM_FAILURE,         /* e.g. SAP system runtime error */
  8.     RFC_CODEPAGE_CONVERSION_FAILURE,    /* codepage conversion error           */
  9.     RFC_CONVERSION_FAILURE,     /* An error during conversion has been detected           */
  10.     RFC_APPLICATION_ERROR,      /* The called function module raised a message     */
  11.     RFC_APPLICATION_EXCEPTION,  /* The called function module raised an exception */
  12.     RFC_EXCEPTION,              /* Exception raised                                       */
  13.     RFC_CALL,                   /* Call received                                          */
  14.     RFC_CLOSED,                 /* Connection closed by the other side                    */
  15.     RFC_RETRY,                  /* No data yet (RfcListen or RfcWaitForRequest only)      */
  16.     RFC_NO_TID,                 /* No Transaction ID available                            */
  17.     RFC_EXECUTED,               /* Function already executed                              */
  18.     RFC_SYNCHRONIZE,            /* Synchronous Call in Progress (only for Windows)        */
  19.     RFC_MEMORY_INSUFFICIENT,    /* Memory insufficient                                    */
  20.     RFC_NOT_FOUND,              /* Function not found (internal use only)                 */
  21.     RFC_NOT_SUPPORTED,          /* This call is not supported                             */
  22.     RFC_NOT_INITIALIZED,        /* RFC not yet initialized                                */
  23.     RFC_INVALID_HANDLE,         /* An invalid handle was passed to an API call    */
  24.     RFC_INVALID_PARAMETER,      /* An invalid parameter was passed to an API */
  25.     RFC_CANCELED,               /* An rfc call has been canceled by user                  */
  26.     RFC_VERSION_MISMATCH,       /* Version mismatch                                       */
  27.     RFC_INVALID_PROTOCOL,       /* Invalid RFC protocaol detected*/
  28.     RFC_TIMEOUT        	   /* time out*/
  29.     RFC_BUSY             = 110  /* @emem System is busy, try later  */
  30. }RFC_RC;
End of the code.