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Vorgehensweisen Removing or Updating CRL Cache Entries  Dokument im Navigationsbaum lokalisieren


The first time the Certificate Revocation Check service checks a certificate, it downloads the corresponding CRL into the CRL cache for later use. The entry in the CRL cache expires after a given time, as specified in the CRL attributes. If a check is performed, whereby the existing CRL cache entry is expired or about to expire, the service updates the entry automatically.

To enforce an update of the CRL cache entry prior to expiration, or to clean up the cache by removing expired entries that are no longer needed, see the procedure below.



       1.      In the Certificate Revocation Check service, select the CRL Cache tab page.

       2.      Select the entry or entries to remove or update and choose Remove or Update, respectively.


When you select an entry, the details about the entry appear in the lower section of the screen and you have to option to download the CRL to a local file by selecting the link Download CRL. You can then view the CRL’s attributes and its contents.



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