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Syntax documentation-f|-fillup Locate this document in the navigation structure

This BRRESTORE command option completes the restore run using the specified files.

Syntax Syntax

  1. -f|-fillup <log_name1>[,<log_name2>,...]|<yyy-mm-dd hh-mi-ss>|<no. of days lost>|last
End of the code.

Default value: last

Possible values:

  • <log_name>[,<log_name2>,...]: one or more named BRRESTORE logs

  • <yyy-mm-dd hh-mi-ss>: all restores started since the specified date and time

  • <no. of days lost>: all restores in a defined number of preceding days

  • last: the last restore run

See also:

Completion of BRRESTORE Runs