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Syntax documentationdisk_copy_cmd Locate this document in the navigation structure

This parameter specifies the copy command to be used to copy files to local disks.

Syntax Syntax

  1. disk_copy_cmd = copy|dd|ocopy|rman|copy_gnu|
  2. dd_gnu|rman_gnu|rman_set|rman_set_gnu
End of the code.

Default value: copy

Possible values:

  • copy: cp (UNIX) or copy (Windows) command copies data to disk

  • dd: dd command copies data to disk.

  • ocopy: Oracle OCOPY tool copies data to a local disk – available only on Windows systems

  • rman: Oracle Recovery Manager (RMAN) copies data to disk (for one-to-one copies of data files). See RMAN Backup with an External Backup Library.

  • rman_set: Oracle RMAN creates save sets for data files on disk. This enables the use of RMAN compress for disk backups. For more information, see .rman_compress.

    Note Note

    The suffix _gnu lets you use the GNU tools to copy files. GNU cpio in particular is used to copy directories to disk

    End of the note.