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Procedure documentationTrace Details Locate this document in the navigation structure


When you choose to view all details of a trace record listed in the trace overview, the system displays the required information in a new screen. Depending on the selected trace function, you can view various trace details, which can help you to perform detailed analysis of Web services issues. In case all tracing functions have been simultaneously active during the time period you are analyzing, you can instantly switch between the tracing views to access all available information about a trace entry.


  • You have configured tracing. More information: Configuring Tracing

  • You have accessed the overview for a particular trace function and selected the trace record for which you need more details. More information: Trace Overview

  • Your user is assigned one of the following roles:

    • SAP_BC_WEBSERIVCE_ADMIN_BIZ allows you only to view the tracing information.

    • SAP_BC_WEBSERIVCE_ADMIN_TEC allows you to view and manage the tracing information.

    For more information, see Authorizations.


Reviewing Traces
  • To find particular trace entries in the list, choose the menu bar option named as the current tracing function, select Search Traces, and specify the search criteria.

    This way you can find traces by transaction ID, message ID, connection ID, root context ID, or root terminal ID.

  • You can choose to display or hide details as necessary. More information: Showing and Hiding Columns

    All functional, performance, and payload views provide common information about a trace record such as application server, component, type, date and time, operation, and many other details.

  • To view a summary for a particular trace, you need to select it and choose Details (Details).

  • To view the source of a trace entry or to download it as a file, you need to select the entry and choose View Source Code (View Source Code) or Download as XML (Download as XML), respectively.

  • To export the information about a selected trace entry as a file, choose Export (Export) and select the output format.

  • To examine the other trace logs for additional information about a trace entry in which you are interested, you need to select the trace entry and choose the button with the corresponding name.

    If the system finds corresponding information, it displays the chosen trace log view and highlights the matching trace entries.

    Example Example

    You are in the Functional Trace - Details view and want to obtain more information about a particular trace entry. To access the available payload information about this entry, you can select the entry in the list and choose the Payload Trace button. The system displays the Payload Trace - Details view and highlights the matching trace entries so that you can access the payload data.

    End of the example.

    Note Note

    Consider that this can be done only if the selected tracing functionality had been active at the time when the selected trace entry was recorded.

    End of the note.
Displaying Specific Trace Details

Each of the functional, performance, and payload trace views provides unique information as described below:

  • The Functional Trace - Details view provides the following details:

    • Double-click a line to show or hide all relevant subcalls.

    • To view the HTTP header and SOAP envelope data, select a trace and choose the Trace Data button.

      The trace data view displayed in the lower part of the screen allows you to browse the data tree as well as to review the original XML data and the HTTP header.

      Note Note

      In case you have no authorization to view the payload, the system displays only the SOAP header information and the SOAP body is not displayed.

      End of the note.
  • The Performance Trace - Details view provides the following details:

    • Similarly to the functional view, you can double-click a line to show or hide all relevant subcalls.

      You can also click the link in the Subcalls column to expand or hide only the next level subcalls.

    • Use the Summarize Traces button to display a summary of the currently displayed record set.

      In the summary view, the system displays the records in different sections such as a consumer and provider system, and the duration from within the Web service runtime or from a provider application.

    • Use the Select Layers button when you want to display a subset of the currently displayed records.

      You can filter by consumer, provider, SOAP request, bgRFC, and component and action.

  • In the Payload Trace - Details view you can choose the Payload button to review the payload data for the trace record selected in the list.

    The payload trace records contain business data such as the SOAP envelope and the HTTP header. You can browse the data tree and review the original XML data and the HTTP header.