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Smart TablesLocate this document in the navigation structure

The list report contains a smart table control that displays the list report items and uses page mechanisms when loading data.

The smart table in the list report view contains the following:

  • Layout management
  • Toolbar with actions rendered as text icons, for example, Personalize and Add Item, and application-specific actions rendered as text buttons, for example Copy, Approve, and Delete

  • Indication of draft or locked by another user statuses

Smart tables can render the following table types:
  • Responsive table – The responsiveness of the responsive table is optimized for mobile use, viewing line items with no scrolling or only vertical scrolling, regardless of the display width.


    On mobile devices, a responsive table is always displayed.

  • Grid table – The grid table is desktop-centric and allows users to scroll in both directions. It can handle a large number of items and columns.

  • Analytical table – The analytical table contains data structured in rows and columns. It provides several powerful possibilities to work with the data, including advanced grouping and aggregations.

    In contrast to other tables, the analytical data binding used by the analytical table automatically displays an aggregated number in a cell.

The application decides which table representation is most suitable according to its use case. The table toolbar is responsive.

Triggering Custom Actions for Items in a Table
By default, the smart table generated by the template is single-selection. Users select an item in the table to trigger a custom action, for example, Validate, which then returns the results for the item selected.

For information about enabling multiple selection for your table, see Multiple Selection in Table.