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Navigating to CatalogsLocate this document in the navigation structure

You can navigate to a catalog using the following:


You can also perform these steps to navigate to a group.

  • (information) button

    The tiles in a group are supported with the information button for navigation. The button can be found on the top right-hand corner of a tile. The information button provides the details of a tile in a group. You can navigate from a tile to a catalog using this button. When you click the information button, a popover with the following details appears:

    • Tile instance ID

      Contains instance ID of a tile

    • Catalog ID

      Contains the ID of a catalog from which the tile originated

    • Tile ID

      When you choose the catalog ID, the catalog from which the tile originated is displayed. Using the browser back or application back button, you can navigate to the group from which the catalog was displayed. You can perform any catalog-specific functions on the catalog.

  • Hash (#) parameter

    The SAP Fiori launchpad supports hash-based navigation. Information required to load a catalog or a group is encoded in the URL, that is, after the hash (#) character called as a hash parameter. You can explicitly enter the required hash parameter in the URL after the hash (#) character for a catalog or a group that you want to navigate to. The hash parameter contains a valid ID of a group or a catalog.

    The format for the hash parameter in the URL is as follows:

    • For catalogs - #/Catalog/ID
    • For groups - #/Group/ID

      For example, http(s) ://< server>:<port>/…/ arsrvc_upb_admn/main.html#/Catalog/ID

    If the entered ID in the hash parameter is valid, the system displays the corresponding catalog or group for the ID.

    Hash navigation is not supported for the following screens:

    • Adding a tile to a catalog
    • Adding a tile to a group
    • Configuration screen of a tile in a catalog

      The above-mentioned screens in the SAP Fiori Launchpad Designer are typically represented by a hash (#) with no parameters.

For more information on navigation using semantic objects and actions, see Launchpad Navigation documentation in SAP Fiori Launchpad Designer.