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Enabling the Display of User Profile PhotosLocate this document in the navigation structure

As an administrator, you can enable the display of users' photos or avatars in various controls in the SAP Fiori launchpad, such as the shell header and Me Area.

This functionality is currently provided by SAP Jam and the collaboration features of its ABAP Social Media Integration (ABAP SMI) component.

For information about integrating SAP Jam, see Connecting to SAP Jam with ABAP SMI.

Once SAP Jam is integrated and set up as described and users have uploaded a photo to their SAP Jam profile, they will see their photo instead of the default (Person Placeholder) icon.

  • The user's photo is neither stored on the SAP Fiori server nor cached by the browser. For every new browser session, the user's current photo is retrieved from SAP Jam and then presented in the UI.
  • Every user is responsible for updating their own photo or avatar in their SAP Jam profile.
  • To remove a user photo in the Fiori launchpad, users must remove their photo from their SAP Jam profile.