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Running an Application StandaloneLocate this document in the navigation structure

Applications that support standalone mode can be run directly by specifying the SAPUI5 component of the application in the URL, without configuring a target mapping and catalog and assigning the catalog to relevant users on an ABAP-based front-end server. You can also configure the header bar of a standalone application to hide some of the UI elements provided by the shell, or not to display the header bar at all.


Only applications built without an app descriptor file (manifest.json) are supporting the standalone mode.

In former versions of the SAP Fiori launchpad it was possible to provide the SAPUI5 component and path directly as URL parameters and to, thus, load and instantiate a SAPUI5 component directly, without the need to configure a target mapping.

As some of the features that have been introduced for the SAP Fiori launchpad since then do not support this standalone mode, we recommend to use it in development scenarios only. Most notably, this applies to cache busting and the application index dependency management:

  • Specifying the path to the application component as a URL parameter does not allow you to use the proper cach busting token for the application resources. Thus, updating the application on the server may require clients to update their caches. Obviously, a cache buster token should not be put directly into the URL, as this would not allow to bookmark the respective URL.

  • Since SAPUI5 version 1.32, the application dependencies are managed by the application index. The application index does not allow to specify additional library dependencies or reuse components in the URL.
  • The standalone mode as outlined below cannot be used across platforms, but is limited to the ABAP and Enterprise Portal platforms.

To run an application in standalone mode, use the intent Shell-runStandaloneApp with parameters specifying the SAPUI5 component and the URL of the application. Use the following parameters:

Parameter Description
sap-ushell-SAPUI5.Component The name of the SAPUI5 component, including its namespace. For example: cus.crm.opportunity
sap-ushell-url A URL pointing to the location, on the server, of the application's resource file. For example: /sap/bc/ui5_ui5/sap/crm_opprtnty
Tip If you only have the location of the SAPUI5 component (typically a BSP) on the server, you can look up the component name in the Component.js file in that location. For more information, see Identifying the Component Name.

Optionally, you can append additional intent parameters for the application.

All parameters described above must be intent parameters of the Shell-runStandaloneApp intent (and not regular URL/query parameters). They must therefore be written after the hash sign.


To work correctly, this URL needs to be encoded as described below.

Encoding the URL

For the URL to work correctly, certain characters in the intent need to be encoded. To construct a URL for calling a standalone application, you need to double encode the intent part of the URL, as shown in the following JavaScript code example:

        + "?" + "sap-ushell-SAPUI5.Component=" + encodeURIComponent("cus.crm.opportunity")
        + "&" + "sap-ushell-url=" + encodeURIComponent("/sap/bc/ui5_ui5/sap/crm_opprtnty")
        + "&" + "AccountId=" + encodeURIComponent("123")
        + "&" + "ContactId=" + encodeURIComponent("abc"))


The following example shows a URL that calls an application in standalone mode:
Configuring the Header Bar

When running an application in standalone mode, you should also configure the header bar to hide some of the UI elements provided by the shell, or not to display at all. You do this in the URL, using the sap-ushell-config URL parameter with one of the following values:

Parameter Value Description Navigate to
standalone Displays only the logo and the options area, including the user photo (or avatar) and user name.

The Options menu contains only the following default menu items: Contact Support and About.
Application only
embedded Displays only the avatar icon, which opens the Options menu.

The Options menu contains only the following default menu items: Contact Support and About.
Application only
headerless Does not display a header bar.

When navigating to the launchpad, it is not possible to personalize the home page. This means that you cannot move or remove tiles.

Application or launchpad
Note When running an application in standalone mode, the Save as Tile option in the footer bar of an application is disabled.

You add the sap-ushell-config parameter before the hash sign.

This parameter is intended for hosting an app, for example, in SAP Enterprise Portal.


The following example shows a URL that calls an application in standalone mode, with no header:

When running an application standalone, navigation from this application to other applications is not supported.

If you would like to embed a standalone application into another user interface using an iframe, consider the same-origin policy. For more information, see Security Aspects for Standalone Applications.