With Navigation PathLocate this document in the navigation structure

Get information about how to provide navigation between UI screens and pages on SAP Fiori UIs.

This navigation type contains either a navigation property or a term cast. The term either is of type Edm.EntityType, a concrete entity type, or a collection of these types.

Figure 1: Example of dataField of type #WITH_NAVIGATION_PATH
You can use the following dataField type to expose a link to other pages of a UI:
    Example In the following example, CompanyName is displayed as link referring to the association _BusinessPartner.
    Sample Code
    define view ZExample_SalesOrder as select from sepm_cds_sales_order as so
      association [0..1] to sepm_cds_business_partner as _BusinessPartner 
      on $projection.buyer_guid = _BusinessPartner.business_partner_key
      key so.sales_order_id as SalesOrder,
      @UI.lineItem: [ { 
        position: 20,
        type: #WITH_NAVIGATION_PATH,
        targetElement: '_BusinessPartner'	-- Reference to association
      } ]
      so.customer.company_name as CompanyName,