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Get information about what UI annotations to use to work with page bodies of object-page floorplans for SAP Fiori UIs.

The page body can consist of a list or a table, for example, in which you can see and edit details of an object from the master-detail floorplan.

Figure 1: Example of columns of table on object-page floorplan
You can use the following UI annotation to define what elements are displayed in the page body of the object-page floorplan:
  • @UI.identification

    This annotation is similar to the UI annotation @UI.lineItem, but @UI.identification has no qualifier.

    Sample Code
    define view ZExample_SalesOrder as select from sepm_cds_sales_order as so {
      @UI.identification: [ { position: 10 } ]
      key so.sales_order_id as SalesOrder,
      @UI.identification: [ { position: 20 } ]
      so.customer.company_name as CompanyName,
      @UI.identification: [ { position: 30 } ]
      so.currency_code as CurrencyCode, 
      @UI.identification: [ { position: 40 } ]
      so.gross_amount as GrossAmount