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Step 9: Allow Bookmarkable Tabs with Optional Query ParametersLocate this document in the navigation structure

The resume view contains four tabs as we have seen in the previous steps. However, when the user navigates to the resume page, only the first tab is displayed initially. Navigating directly to a specific tab or bookmarking a tab is not yet supported in our current app.

In this step, we implement a bookmarking feature by enabling deep linking to tabs with optional query parameters. A deep link is basically a link that directly references a deeper structure and parameters of the app in the URL. It is often bookmarked or shared to have a convenient entry point into the app for a certain task or action. The selected tab should be reflected in the URL but the tab can also be omitted, for example, when we initially navigate to the resume page.

Figure 1: Deep link to allow bookmarkable tabs

You can view and download all files in the Explored app in the Demo Kit under Routing and Navigation - Step 9.

	"_version": "1.1.0",
	"": {
	"sap.ui": {
	"sap.ui5": {
		"routing": {
			"config": {
				"routerClass": "sap.m.routing.Router",
				"viewType": "XML",
				"viewPath": "sap.ui.demo.nav.view",
				"controlId": "app",
				"controlAggregation": "pages",
				"transition": "slide",
				"bypassed": {
					"target": "notFound"
			"routes": [{
				"pattern": "",
				"name": "appHome",
				"target": "home"
			}, {
				"pattern": "employees",
				"name": "employeeList",
				"target": "employees"
			}, {
				"pattern": "employees/{employeeId}",
				"name": "employee",
				"target": "employee"
			}, {
				"pattern": "employees/{employeeId}/resume:?query:",
				"name": "employeeResume",
				"target": "employeeResume"
			"targets": {

Up until now, you could only navigate to an employee’s resume with the deep link webapp/index.html#/employees/3/resume. This will always select the first tab as implemented by the IconTabBar control. In order to open the page directly with a specific tab selected and to make the tabs bookmarkable, we add the query parameter to the URL pattern.

This allows URLs like webapp/index.html#/employees/3/resume?tab=Projects where the query parameter defines which tab shall be displayed. We change the pattern of the employeeResume route to employees/{employeeId}/resume:?query:. The new part :?query: allows to pass on queries with any parameters, for example, the hash /#/employees/3/resume?tab=Projects or /#/employees/3/resume?tab=Projects&action=edit matches the pattern and can be processed in the matched event.

The :?query: parameter starts and ends with :; this means that it is optional. If you want to make it mandatory, you can use the {?query} syntax (everything in between {} is considered as being mandatory).

		title="{i18n>ResumeOf} {FirstName} {LastName}"
					<IconTabFilter id="infoTab" text="{i18n>Info}" key="Info">
						<Text text="{Information}" />
					<IconTabFilter id="projectsTab" text="{i18n>Projects}" key="Projects">
						<mvc:XMLView viewName="sap.ui.demo.nav.view.employee.ResumeProjects"></mvc:XMLView>
					<IconTabFilter id="hobbiesTab" text="{i18n>Hobbies}" key="Hobbies">
						<Text text="{Hobbies}" />
					<IconTabFilter id="notesTab" text="{i18n>Notes}" key="Notes">
						<Text text="{Notes}" />

To update the currently selected tab in the URL we listen to the select event of the IconTabBar by setting select="onTabSelect" in the resume view. The selectedKey is bound to a view model. This allows to easily change the selectedKey according to the selected tab in the URL.


], function (BaseController, JSONModel) {
	"use strict";
	var _aValidTabKeys = ["Info", "Projects", "Hobbies", "Notes"];
	return BaseController.extend("sap.ui.demo.nav.controller.employee.Resume", {
		onInit: function () {
			var oRouter = this.getRouter();
			this.getView().setModel(new JSONModel(), "view");

			oRouter.getRoute("employeeResume").attachMatched(this._onRouteMatched, this);
		_onRouteMatched : function (oEvent) {
			var oArgs, oView, oQuery;
			oArgs = oEvent.getParameter("arguments");
			oView = this.getView();
				path : "/Employees(" + oArgs.employeeId + ")",
				events : {
					change: this._onBindingChange.bind(this),
					dataRequested: function (oEvent) {
					dataReceived: function (oEvent) {
			oQuery = oArgs["?query"];
			if (oQuery && _aValidTabKeys.indexOf( > -1){
			} else {
				// the default query param should be visible at all time
				this.getRouter().navTo("employeeResume", {
					employeeId : oArgs.employeeId,
					query: {
						tab : _aValidTabKeys[0]
				},true /*no history*/);

		_onBindingChange : function (oEvent) {
			// No data for the binding
			if (!this.getView().getBindingContext()) {
		onTabSelect : function (oEvent){
			var oCtx = this.getView().getBindingContext();
			this.getRouter().navTo("employeeResume", {
				employeeId : oCtx.getProperty("EmployeeID"),
				query: {
					tab : oEvent.getParameter("selectedKey")
			}, true /*without history*/);


When a tab is selected manually, its select handler is called. Therefore, let’s first have a look at the onTabSelect event handler that is added at the end of the resume controller. It detects the selectedKey of the tab and navigates to the employeeResume route to update the URL in the address bar. Additionally to the mandatory parameter employeeId, we pass on a custom query object with a parameter tab and fill it with the selectedKey value that we receive from the select event of the IconTabBar. By passing on true as the third argument we replace the current history to make sure that manually clicked tabs won’t be added to the browser history.

A dependency to sap/ui/model/json/JSONModel is added to the controller. Now, we modify the onInit function to instantiate a JSONModel and use it as the view model. _aValidTabKeys is added to the controller. We want to make sure that only valid tabs can be selected. Therefore, the array _aValidTabKeys contains all allowed tab keys that we can check against to validate the tab parameter from the URL later. The keys are equal to the keys of our IconTabFilters in the resume view.

In the _onRouteMatched event handler, we add the oQuery variable to store a reference to the query object from the router. This allows a more comfortable access to the query object.

In case a query object is passed on and the tab parameter has a valid value, we display the specific tab by updating the property /selectedTabKey in the view model. As the selectedKey property of the IconTabBar is bound to {view>/selectedTabKey} the corresponding tab is selected.

The else case is called when either no or an invalid tab parameter is specified. We navigate to the Info tab to make sure that the tab parameter is reflected in the URL at all times. The actual requirements of your app might differ, feel free to change it accordingly...

From now on our tabs are bookmarkable. Try to access the following (deep) links directly:
  • webapp/index.html#/employees/3/resume

  • webapp/index.html#/employees/3/resume?tab=Info

  • webapp/index.html#/employees/3/resume?tab=Projects

  • webapp/index.html#/employees/3/resume?tab=Hobbies

  • webapp/index.html#/employees/3/resume?tab=Notes

  • webapp/index.html#/employees/3/resume?tab=SomethingInvalid

When you click on any tab you will see that the hash in the URL changes immediately, and when you change the hash in the URL parameter manually, you can see that the UI is also updated accordingly.