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Step 6: Resource ModelsLocate this document in the navigation structure

Business applications also require language-specific (translatable) texts used as labels and descriptions on the user interface.

The example we used at the start of this tutorial was overly simplistic as we stored language-specific text directly in a JSON model object. Generally speaking, unless language-specific text is derived directly from a back-end system, it is not considered good programming practice to place translatable texts directly into a model. So let's correct this situation by placing all translatable texts (such as field labels) into a resource bundle.

Figure 1: Texts derived from the resource model (No visual change to last step)

You can view and download all files in the Explored app in the Demo Kit under Data Binding - Step 6.

      var oModel = new sap.ui.model.json.JSONModel({
        firstName : "Harry",
        lastName  : "Hawk",
        enabled   : true    
      // Assign the model object to the SAPUI5 core

      // Create a resource bundle for language specific texts
      var oResourceModel = new sap.ui.model.resource.ResourceModel({
        bundleName : "sap.ui.demo.db.i18n.i18n"

      // Assign the model object to the SAPUI5 core using the name "i18n"
      sap.ui.getCore().setModel(oResourceModel, "i18n");

      // Display the XML view called "App"
      new sap.ui.core.mvc.XMLView({ viewName : "sap.ui.demo.db.views.App" })

Since we are creating a resource model, the file name is assumed to have the extension .properties; this does not need to be stated explicitly. The resource model is set to the core using the model name i18n.


Remove , panelHeaderText : "Data Binding Basics" from the model definition in the index.html file. This text is now moved to the resource model.

webapp/i18n/ (New)
# Field labels
firstName=First Name
lastName=Last Name

# Screen titles
panelHeaderText=Data Binding Basics

Create a new folder i18n, and a new file within and add the code above.

The panelHeaderText property has been moved from the JSON model into the i18n resource bundle, also the field labels are no longer hard coded in the XML view. This is because all of these text fields need to be translated.

Language-specific text stored in resource models obeys the Java convention for internationalization (i18n).

<mvc:View xmlns="sap.m" xmlns:mvc="sap.ui.core.mvc">
  <Panel headerText="{i18n>panelHeaderText}" class="sapUiResponsiveMargin" width="auto">
      <Label text="{i18n>firstName}" class="sapUiSmallMargin" />
      <Input value="{/firstName}" valueLiveUpdate="true" width="200px" enabled="{/enabled}" />
      <Label text="{i18n>lastName}" class="sapUiSmallMargin" />
      <Input value="{/lastName}" valueLiveUpdate="true" width="200px" enabled="{/enabled}" />
      <CheckBox selected="{/enabled}" text="{i18n>enabled}" />

Modify the data binding for the panel header and the labels in App.view.xml to include the model name. Notice that a "greater than" character separates the model name and the property name, and that i18n property names must not to start with a slash character!

You could use multiple model instances by using different model names. The model name could be set as second parameter using the setModel(oResourceModel,“i18n”) method. The model is then propagated under this name to all aggregated child controls (and their children, and so on…). All these controls have access to this model under the name i18n as well as to the JSONModel (default model, which has no name).